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I grab my clothes and scrunch them into a ball, "I need to go home"
"Then we'll go" Derek grabs his keys and we get into his car. It was a quiet ride home, "The full moons in a week, I'm gonna need some help with it."
"Then we'll help you, me, Scott, Isacc and probably Stiles."
"Knowing Stiles ill probably scare him" I say
"Yeah you probably will. Talk to your mum about the whole bite and stuff. Don't miss any school" Derek smiles, although he was trying to be serious.

You kiss him goodbye and you open the door to your house. "Y/n I've been worried sick about you, Scott said that you had been bitten and Duecalion was coming." My mum runs and hugs me.
"I'm fine, I'm really fine it's what I wanted to talk to you about the whole bite thing. Apparently I'm mates with Derek so I'm also an Alpha." I pull out of the hug.

"That's good?" She says
"I think it is, its like I can't stop thinking about him." I walk to the kitchen. And grab an apple, I take a bite. "It's not like I don't like being an Alpha it's just that I'm scared to do something wrong or create my own pack. I mean I'm 17 for God's sake I'm not ready for this"
"You could talk to Scott, he's an Alpha and your age" Mellisa says.
"He's not really happy with my right now but I can try" I kiss her on the cheek and walk up the stairs.

I knock on Scott's door. He says come in.
"Hey Scott can I talk to you Alpha to New Alpha" I ask
"Sure, whats this about?"
"A pack do I need to start one or not because I feel like as Alpha I do need to have one"
"You don't really need a pack I kind of have one but there not all werewolves. Its really something you and Derek should discuss, but personally it's good to have a pack so you have people covering your back"
"Ok? Thanks for the advice" I turn myself around and head to my room.

I lay on my bed and think to myself, pack or no pack?. It runs through my mind for ages. I get stressed so I decide to go for a run around the area. I got changed into leggings and one of Derek's tops which he left. I told my mum that I was going out for a run, and she was fine with it. I put my earphones on/in and started jogging.

A group of boys in a convertible slowed down and honked at me. They were wolf whistling at me and calling me names, I ignored them and just picked up my pace. The car swerved infront of me and stopped they all jumped out over the doors (about 5 of them).

"What the fuck you could've hit me!" I screamed in the drivers face
"Woah chill you should watch where your running, not our fault" he says in a defensive tone.
I scoff and try to barge past them but they push me back.
"Where do you think your going?" One of the boys chimed in. I could smell the alcohol and weed on his breath.
"Trying to get somewhere now get out me way"
"No I don't think so" one of them grabs me by the arm and turns me arrowed towards him.

My werewolf instincts kicked in and I threw him to the floor twisting his arm to break it. He screams in pain. I get up from his back,his friends start laughing and I move towards them they let me through and I continue my run.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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