Meet the bad guys

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A Psychiatrist's Office, day.

Sonic imitating a psychiatrist with a German accent.

"You don't zink your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy, perhaps?"

He was roleplaying as the patient/himself.

"Crazy? Me? No way, doc; you got me all wrong"

"And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down-" He suddenly takes off his stolen glasses.

"you're still rather lonely...?"

Wachowski residence, night. As Sonic leaves for the night, he takes one last look through the window and smiles a little from seeing the Wachowskis enjoy their movie aka Naked Gun.

"Perhaps'll be alone forever...?"

Sonic frowns and departs. Wachowski residence, the next night. Tom pulls into the driveway and after spotting a couple of raccoons rummaging through his garbage bins, he blows his car horn in an attempt to scare then away.

"Uh-uh; hey! No, no, get out of there!" He then exits the truck, agitated.

"Oh, come on! Get out of there!" The raccoons leave after a while.

"Get out of there, you trash bandits!"He then walks in his house and closes the door.

"Maddie, as Green Hill's most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?"

Tom sets his work bag aside and sees Ozzy walk in to greet him.

"Hi, Ozzy! Hello! You're glad to see me!"

"You don't eat garbage, do you?"

As Tom pets Ozzy, the woman from a few scenes before walks in holding an envelope. He stands up after seeing her.

"What's that? Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh-huh. Open it"

He then walks to Maddie and takes the envelope, inspecting it.

"Oh, it's kind of small. Is that bad?"

"Just... open it"

She smiles with excitement and anticipation. Tom opens the envelope, and they both walk to the kitchen counter as Tom takes a deep breath and reads a letter from it:

"Dear Thomas, we have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department, and pending interdepartmental review and background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."

"Aah, my God!"

"Wow! Oh, my God"

Maddie then pulls out a pink box and sets it on the counter and opens it to reveal a cake. Tom reads it in response:


"San Francisco Sucks"

The cake shows a burning Golden Gate Bridge and blue letters reading "Forget Those Morons, San Francisco SUCKS!''.

"Oh; wrong one!"

She quickly puts the cake away and pulls out a new open it up, revealing another one:

"Ta-da!" she giggles.

The new cake shows the words "CONGRATULATIONS" in red letters at the top, "I Never Had a Doubt!" in blue letters at the bottom and a decorative portrait of a police officer in the center.

"You never had a doubt, huh?"

"No! Mm-mm" Maddie and Tom then hug and kiss each other.

"I can't believe this!"

THE BAD GUYS IN: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Where stories live. Discover now