Dawn of a second day

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Sonic, Tom and the bad guys are driving into California, they were in a immediately hurry.

"So, what's on your bucket list?"

"Who, me?"

"Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?"

"Well, sure, but, I mean, you're the one leaving Earth, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon"

"Don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger"

"Oh, are you anointing yourself as the bestie?"


"A little presumptuous, but-- I mean-- What, no-- I-I like you, of course, but, you know, we're not best friends"

"You tucked me in last night" Tom chuckles.

"Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend"

"That would be my dog, Ozzy"

"Okay, let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list. Give it to me!"

"Okay, there is one thing. In Green Hills, I've always felt, I don't know, more like a babysitter than a real cop, you know? So I want a chance to prove myself, under real pressure. I'm gonna move to San Francisco, become a street cop. And, I don't know, see if I have what it takes"

Tom looks over at Sonic, whose jaw is dropped open in shock.

"What? Why-why is your face doing that?"

"You're leaving Green Hills?!"


"B-B-But why? Why would you leave Green Hills? And do the bad guys know"

"Yes, look This may be hard for you to understand, but Green Hills is a small town. It's a very small town"

"Uh, it's not small! There are hundreds of people"

"That's a small town, dude!"

"It's a perfect town, and the people need you"

"Please, I clean out their gutters, I jump-start their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that"

"Sure, they can call anybody, but they don't. They call you"

But Dr. Robotnik begins to set up his capture plan, looking through a holographic screen and watching the road from Tom's perspective, Thomas did the same thing with the bad guys.

"What is the plan?" Thomas asked.

"Eeny, meeny, miny...mayhem!"

Robotnik selects the bot of his choice and sends it out to pursue the duo. A large battle machine equipped for traveling on roads drives down the road. Cut back to Sonic Tom and the bad guys.

"You're not making any sense!"

"Would you calm down?"

"You come from a great town with great people and, by my count, zero bad guys trying to kill you!"

The drone car catches up to Sonic and Tom the bad guys noticed.

"Besides, what could possibly be more important than protecting the people you care about?"

Tom thinks for a second while Dr. Robotnik initiates a weapon for the drone car, a large harpoon.

"Look, I get your poi--"

But then he gets a call from wolf, "hey I hate interrupt you but...LOOK OUT!"


The drone car fires the harpoon straight through the back of the truck and catches the dashboard, making Tom and Sonic yell.

THE BAD GUYS IN: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Where stories live. Discover now