Uh oh

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Sonic turns away, reaches into his satchel, and pulls a Ring out. He tosses it, only to have it bounced off of one of Dr. Robotnik's flying drones, and many more of them start closing in on the trio.

"Okay, did someone leave their "Find My Phone" on?"

Sonic steps back a few feet but stops at the edge of the roof, and he sees a flying aircraft overhead, which is Dr. Robotnik's Eggpod.

The ship hovers over to the trio and the cockpit opens, revealing Robotnik in an entirely different outfit and with an evil smirk on his face.

"Welcome to San Francisco, Mr. Wachowski. Are you enjoying the clam chowder?"

"It's the government whack job who keeps trying to kill us.  Unsuccessfully!"

"Hello mr. Wolf" then Thomas appeared. The remark makes Robotnik scowl.

"Nice of you to swing by on your way to Comic-Con"

"Yeah, what are you wearing?"

Dr. Robotnik Looks at his suit and the back to the trio.

"It's a flight suit, designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce" Through clenched teeth, "drag!"

"I want my daughter back mr. Wolf" Thomas growls.

Princess holds on tight to wolf and he holds her while glaring at Thomas.

"Yeah, and yet you still are one"

"You want her Thomas, come and get her"

"Oh-hoo! Good one. You are catching fire, Thomas. Oh, and speaking of heat, I see you've taken a lover. Does she have a name, or should we just call her "collateral damage"?" Chuckles and drums the sides of the Eggpod with glee.

"Hey, watch your mouth! Unless you want a little more of what I gave you earlier. I punched him in the face"

"You punched him right in the face! It was awesome!"

"The time for talking is over!" Through clenched teeth, "It's time to push buttons!"

"Your flying eggs are pretty impressive, Mr. Eggman, but let's face it, you'll never catch me!"

"Confidence! A fool's substitute for intelligence"

Robotnik opens a button capsule as the energy from Sonic's quill powers the Eggpod and the flying drones ready their weapons as well.

"That's not good" sonic then sneaks a ring over to princess, she hides it.

"Sonic, I know you got the super speed and everything, but Maddie and I--"

"Totally defenseless? Probably gonna get blown up?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

"Don't worry. I know exactly what to do. Plus you want to get the bad guys and princess out of here"

Sonic jumps up to the side wall and jumps forward, pushing Tom and Maddie off the roof, and they scream.

Dr. Robotnik Looks down from inside the Eggpod in shock...before then dismissing it.

"I was not expecting that...but I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count"

The bad guys try to run but Thomas in the egg mobile blocks them.

The flying drones fire their weapons at Sonic, but now time seems to have stopped again. Princess felt his speed inside her.

She gets on her knees, then a spark lights up as sonic just stands there, tapping his foot and looking at his wrist. He and princess then plays around with some of the missiles and bullets from the Egg Drone weapons and is able to destroy most of them.

But Robotnik pushes the button and the quill fully charges the Eggpod and grants him supersonic speed. Sonic is makes a shooting hands gesture to two more Egg Drones, but Robotnik fires a laser blast at the blue hedgehog, Thomas tries to do the same with princess.

which he barely escapes from, causing him to enter slight delirium.

Sonic recovers from his trance to find Tom and Maddie still falling and tries to reach for a Ring.

"Come on!" Tries air swimming to reach the Ring, "Come on, come on, come on!"

Sonic plucks one of his quills out and uses it to grab the Ring and he speeds towards the falling couple and tosses the Ring, opening a portal to a barn for them and they land safely in piles of hay while Sonic loses control.

Princess grabs the ring sonic gave her and she gets in front of her family as soon as Thomas aims a missiles at them, princess came like the speed of white lightning.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no!"

The bad guys and princess get pushed into the ring and the portal had them fall down outside the building safely.

"Ah!" They rolled on the ground, wolf had grab princess to break their fall.

Sonic hits several tree branches and lands on the ground, rings and rubble scattered everywhere

At the barn, Farmer Zimmer greets Tom and Maddie.

"Oh! Hi, Tom! Glad you're here. Could use some help. Old Bessie's about to give birth!" A cow inside the barn moos.

"Give me a minute"

[Scene Change: San Francisco, California, day. Sonic recovers from his fall but notices Robotnik hovering in the air.]

"Can I give you one genius piece of advice? Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they proved it"

"All right, Eggman. You wanna get fast? Let's get fast!"

Sonic scrambles quickly to gather up all of his Rings and speeds off down the street.

Dr. Robotnik Puts on his flight goggles, "The hard way it is"

Princess looks up at the building and realized sonic was still in trouble.

"Sonic!" She gets up and races up the building with her super speed but once she gets to the top.

She sees that her father was awaiting her.

THE BAD GUYS IN: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Where stories live. Discover now