Chapter:- 8

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Everything was pitch-black, and the pain in his back only added to the confusion. Gradually opening his eyes, Naruto realized he was hanging by his arms, chained with his hands bound and his feet trapped in a steel block. Feeling something damp on his lips, he hesitated before sipping cautiously, realizing it was fresh water. As he drank, his vision cleared.

"Are you okay?" Slowly, Naruto made out the worried face of the girl in the pink dress with brown hair. She offered him more water as he blinked to focus on her.

"Not really…" he grumbled, his gaze shifting upward to the thick chain suspending him with his feet trapped. "Feels like I've been blasted by lightning…" Disoriented, he lowered his head, berating himself for turning his back on an enemy.

"Um, well, it was kind of like that," Ty Lee replied with an awkward smile, taking a step back. Naruto took in his surroundings, realizing he was in a room rather than a pumpkin. There was a bed, a closet, and a library with books. His attention was diverted as the door suddenly swung open.

"You truly amaze me. You're the first to survive my most powerful attack," Azula entered the room, accompanied by Mai. Ty Lee discreetly hid the water pot, whistling as if pretending to be oblivious. Azula let out a sigh, shaking her head. "Thank you, Ty Lee. I noticed you were still breathing, or else we would have left you lying there."

"You would have," Naruto growled, snapping back to his senses, only to realize he was wearing only his pants. He looked up angrily, spotting his bandana in the hands of the trio's leader.

"Maybe this is important… you think?" she asked playfully, gazing at the bandana she held. With a nonchalant toss, she dropped it and stepped on it. "Let's get acquainted. I'm Azula," she introduced herself, shaking her head and gesturing toward one of her companions. "This is Mai." The one introduced remained motionless. She then turned her attention to the boy suspended from the chains. "Lastly, Ty Lee," she said, introducing the last member, who greeted the shinobi with a smile.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto," the blonde replied, casting his gaze downward to the chains. He knew breaking them in their current state was nearly impossible. He frowned, eyeing his captors with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"Alright, introductions done. Now you're going to spill everything. What are you, pervert? How do you perform those tricks? And whose side are you on?" Azula inquired, circling around her captive. He lowered his head, glancing at the ground.

"I've got a question… What kind of girl has chains hanging in her room? And you called me a pervert?" Naruto asked mockingly, prompting an annoyed expression from Azula. Her hand ignited with fire, and she brought it closer to the shinobi, causing an intense, painful heat on his chest.

After a few seconds, Azula withdrew her hand from Naruto's chest. "I respect power and strength, and you undeniably possess both. Not only did you take down a group of soldiers from my ranks with your bare fists, but you also managed to give us trouble, something that rarely happens," she noted, her nails gently pressing into the blond's chest. He growled in response.

"…" Ty Lee was about to say something, but Mai grabbed her shoulder to keep her quiet.

"You're one of the most annoying people I've ever met," Mai grumbled, letting out a frustrated sigh. She stepped back from the shinobi, crossing her arms, looking into his stubborn blue eyes. The brat's irritating grin only made her more annoyed. "I'd like to hurt you, but you're different, and that would be a waste... Would you want to join us in what we're doing?" Her question even surprised Ty Lee and Mai, who exchanged somewhat puzzled looks.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked, looking at her.

"You must know that the Fire Nation is at war with the other three nations. Do you know why? Because it's time for one nation to rise and govern the rest. It's time for the old world to crumble and a new one to emerge from the ashes... with us leading the way, of course," she said with a smile, observing Naruto's furious expression. Using her hand, she brushed his cheek in an almost sisterly manner. "And for that, we need someone willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our goal... My father, Ozai, will be the ruler of all, and I'll be by his side as his right hand." Her fingers trailed over the pre-adolescent's chin, who clenched his fists in frustration.

"A better world?" Naruto shook his head, his chained form swaying slightly. "I... I don't know what war is like. I haven't even dared to take someone's life. I'm foolish and sometimes naive... but I know that destroying entire towns for control is wrong. That's why your mission doesn't interest me," he spoke earnestly, earning a mocking look from Azula.

[ Dear reader's, I wanted to tell you that I have uploaded 12 advance Chapters on PAT REON so go there and support me by reading advance Chapters there.

PAT REON I'D:- Alzero

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