My Enemy? My Lover? ; Gyuvin x Ricy

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What the fuck.

Ricky was a top student. He would always rank 1st. He was really smart so why was he number 2 today?

Kim Gyuvin - Rank 1

"Who the fuck is that?" grunted Ricky. He never even heard of this guy before.

"Apparently some new kid." replied Zhanghao "But hey I heard he's good looking. Maybe better than you" he chuckled

Ricky was fuming. How could a nobody take his spot. Just as he was gonna say something back to zhanghao someone stood next to him.

He was as tall as ricky, maybe even taller. He had brown hair and sparkly eyes. He looked like a puppy.

"Nice! 1st place!" exclaimed gyuvin.

Ricky shakily looked over. He was still mad but he wanted to get a good look at his opponent.

Zhanghao looked truly terrified. It was quite funny how zhanghao looked next to these two giants.

"Haha ricky should we head to science?" nervously said zhanghao.

Gyuvin turned his head to look at the blonde.

"I'm gyuvin! What rank are you?"  The tone gyuvin said it in was odd. It wasn't out of curiosity. It was like he already knew who ricky was.

Ricky put on a fake smile and said in a sarcastic tone. "Ricky. Rank 2."

"Oh guess i'm better than you" Gyuvin said with a grin as he walked away.

Ricky was going to erupt. He was starting to turn red as zhanghao put his hand on the youngers back.

"You'll beat him next time"

And ricky did. He wasn't gonna let a nobody beat him again.

As soon as the bell went he rushed to the score bored.

Shen Ricky - Rank 1
Kim Gyuvin -Rank 2

Ricky was over the moon. He was finally first again. He missed this feeling. But of course this was short lived.

"Huh rank 2..." Gyuvin mumbled.

This startled Ricky. He looked back at the brunette.

"Guess i gotta step up my game huh?"  Gyuvin came closer to ricky, their faces inches apart.

"Don't get too cocky now, Lovelicky. You'll always be at the bottom."

Ricky's heart was beating. Was it out of anger? out of love? Ugh he didn't know. But he felt tingly when gyuvin came close.

Gyuvin was seen walking away as one of ricky's friends called out to him.

"Ricky! Let's go to lunch!" Gunwook said waving at him.

Ricky now had a even bigger desire to keep being 1st.

"Are you joking?! No! I'm not doing that with him!" The chinese man said.

The teacher squinted her eyes, rubbing her forehead. "Ricky I don't care what you don't want to do this is final!"

"You and Gyuvin are the top students so you need to share a room!"

The blonde and brunettes rankings would constantly change. One day it would be ricky and the next it would be gyuvin. Ricky felt the pressure.

The school was planning a trip in a nerby town and the students would stay the night in the hotel. Ricky wanted to room with Gunwook but the teacher insisted he room with gyuvin.

reluctantly he stepped out of the room knowing arguing with a teacher wouldn't make anything better.

On the day if the trip Gyuvin and Ricky didn't even talk to each other. They didn't even make eye contact but Gyuvin felt a pair of eyes on him. Ricky kept taking quick glances at gyuvin.

Why? He didn't know either. Ricky was confused to say the least.

Ricky departed from him friends saying goodbye mentally preparing himself to see his rival. Ricky quietly opened the door. The hotel room was actually quite nice.

Expect for the fact there was one bed. Ricky's jaw dropped. It had to be some mistake.

Part 2 Soon!

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