Just Friends : Gyuvin x Ricky

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"Are you guys dating?" Jiwoong asked the two.

"Nah we just kiss a couple of times."

After that conversation with Jiwoong, ricky was on his bed searching for something up on his phone.

What's The definition of friends?

plural noun: Friends
A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

He sighed and turned his phone off. "Are me and gyuvins just friends? What friends do what we do?" He mumbled.

His mind was stressed out. He wasn't sure what he felt towards gyuvin, it was definitely something more but he still wasn't sure. All he knew was that gyuvin drove him crazy.

Both boys were whipped for each other despite only being "friends".

If ricky was tired and unwilling to socialize anymore, gyuvin talked for him. He wouldn't let ricky utter a single word out so he could save his energy. Gyuvin always showed.
affection physically and very expressive.

Ricky's love language was acts of service and quality time so he was always secretly taking care of gyuvin. If ricky noticed Gyuvin's water bottle empty, he'd fill it up and then probably buy gyuvin a bigger bottle.

The both of them cared for the other very much.

The boys were all cramped in one car as they were already late to a schedule and the second car was running behind.

"Matthew you're gonna have to sit on the ground.." Hanbin teased.

"Hey! What no! I'll sit with jiwoong." And with that, Matthew took a seat on jiwoongs lap.

Gyuvin saw this and motioned for ricky to sit on his lap too, which ricky happily did.

"So are you two finally dating now?" Matthew asked.

" Yeah at least me and Matthew are dating!" Jiwoong chimed in.

"We aren't dating. What makes you guys think that?" Gyuvin said.

Zhanghao rolled his eyes. "You guys kiss and say "no homo", Ricky your literally sitting on gyuvins lap right now. Tell me that's not gay."

"Nah just friends!" Gyuvin replied.

Everyone fell into laughter, everyone but ricky.

Every time gyuvin would say they were "just friends, Ricky felt annoyed. Ricky and Zhanghao were friends yet they didn't kiss or cuddle as he did with gyuvin.

As soon as the car reached their destination, ricky got out first. He immediately jumped up from gyuvins lap and greeted the cameras outside. It was pretty unusual for the boy.

The two would always try to stay together as long as possible, one time hanbin and Jiwoong had to physically rip them apart.

"Someone's eager to get to work.." Hanbin huffed.

"Looks like your boyfriend is mad at youuu~" Yujin playfully joked to gyuvin.

Gyuvin furrowed his eyebrows. What was up with ricky?

For the whole shoot, Ricky was avoiding  gyuvin as much as he could. When they had to get in a line, gyuvin was next to ricky but the blonde begged gunwook to switch spots with him.

Ricky, Taerae, Matthew and gyuvin were on the same team yet ricky wouldn't even look in gyuvins direction. In fact, they probably exchanged one or two words with each other at most.

Gyuvin was feeling antsy. He didn't like not having Ricky's attention. It was like he craved it. He couldn't wait for the shoot to end so he could run to ricky.

It turns out gyuvin couldn't wait for the shoot to end and while watching the other group do a challenge, gyuvin used this as his time to speak up.

"Are you alright ricky?" Gyuvin subtly whispered. Under the table he had grabbed Ricky's hand, holding it tightly.

Ricky hummed in response, still annoyed at the younger.

"Ricky.." Gyuvin said his voice getting deeper. "What's wrong?"

"Friends don't hold hands!" Ricky slightly raised his voice, swatting his hand away. Gyuvin could hear the emotion in Ricky's voice.

Gyuvin felt his heartbreak. Ricky had never pushed gyuvin away before. His mind was pondering what he did wrong. All he wanted was to hold ricky again.

Back at home ricky still wouldn't look at gyuvin. Even though they shared a room ricky completely ignored gyuvins presence.

Ricky hated how gyuvin labeled them as friends when he felt more for gyuvin. How gyuvin held him when they slept was so endearing yet they were just friends.

Was gyuvin just leading him on? Maybe gyuvin found this all funny, maybe he was just a joke to gyuvin?

Ricky didn't know and he didn't want to know. He was scared of ruining their relationship

"Did I do something wrong?" Gyuvin asked.

At that moment ricky let go of all his irritation and jumped into gyuvins arms. He just missed his gyuvin.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore gyuvin! Take the hint!" Ricky punched gyuvins chest. The punch hadn't hurt gyuvin it was just an action for ricky to let out all his stress.

"Aw ricky..." gyuvin continued. "Are you upset from earlier? What I said in the car?"

Ricky nodded. "Friends don't kiss! Friends don't do this...I don't wanna be your friend!"

Ricky had started to cry letting out everything he'd been holding in and gyuvin was there for him. He played with Ricky's hair to soothe the boy.

"Well, I don't want to be your friend either." Gyuvin lifted ricky's head, looking into the blondes puffy eyes.

"Boyfriends?" They both said at the same time.

Ricky and Gyuvin broke into laughter. Everything felt so much better with each other. Only if they could be in zb1 for a little longer.

"So are you two dating now?" jiwoong asked gyuvin.

"Hmm yeah, just boyfriends." Gyuvin smiled

He looked down the hallway to see the Chinese male peeking out of their room with a smile on his face.

Gyuvin liked the way it sounded. Yeah,

I'll take some halloween request! Any halloween plots or costumes you want to see? 🙏

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