Matching Rings Part 2 ; Gyuvin x Ricky

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The door creeped open feeling jittery from the drinks they had. Gyuvin wasn't drunk but he wasn't fully sober. He probably shouldn't drive but he could pass a sobriety test.

He brunette wanted to thank ricky for the gift. When gyuvin opened up the gift he was too stunned. He wanted to jump on ricky and smother him in love but they were in camera so gyuvin kept his cool. But now gyuvin was going to give ricky all the love in the world.

But when gyuvin opened the door his heart fell.

Ricky was crying in Taeraes arms. Taerae gave ricky one last head stroke before gently placing him on the bed.

"You better fix what you started" Taerae glared at gyuvin.

What had he done? Did he hurt ricky? He didn't mean too.

Gyuvin ran up to ricky, cupping his face with his big hands. Gyuvin placed ricky in his lap, lying down.

"Ricky tell me what's wrong. We can work this out if you tell me."

Ricky didn't want to tell gyuvin. He felt selfish for making gyuvin feel bad on his special day.

"No! it's your birthday, i'm not ruining it!" the strawberry boy said.

Gyuvin looked up at ricky's desk, still stroking the blondes back.

11:58 pm

Gyuvin also noticed the ring he had gotten ricky on the desk. Gyuvin was stupid but he wasn't that  stupid. He saw ricky wearing it during his live earlier and it made gyuvin feel fuzzy.

The two sat in silence for two minutes and ith only ricky's muffled tears filling the room.

12:00 am

"Oh would you look at that. it's not my birthday anymore so what's wrong?" gyuvin said in a calm tone.

Gyuvin had gotten ricky and ricky knew he was stuck. Reluctantly ricky told gyuvin all about his disappointment.

As ricky babbled on about his feelings gyuvin felt like shit. He didn't realize he made ricky feel that way and he felt so bad. He was just trying to cover his feelings because of the camera but gyuvin loved the gift.

It was shiny, sparkly and most importantly form ricky. That's what made it special.

"I'm so sorry..From the moment i saw it i knew it was yours. I was over the moon and all i wanted to do was hug you but i held those feelings back because of the camera. I came in to thank you and smother you with love you deserve. I didn't realize i made you feel unimportant."

Gyuvin reached over to the desk taking the plastic ring.

"Will you put this back on for me? We can have matching rings?"

Ricky's heart melted at his words. He reached his hand out so gyuvin could put the ring on his finger. The plastic bring slid into ricky's slender fingers as gyuvin brought him into a embrace.

"Uh is this a bad time to mention i like you?"

Ricky laughed knowing gyuvin had totally ruined their sweet moment but he didn't mind. He liked gyuvin too.

Based on Gyuvins birthday live!

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