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A Short Story

It was a snowy evening when we walked down from Castle Park into the center of Oslo. It was slippery, so we almost slid down that hill. I looked ahead and saw a street with many tiny lights. It looked like Christmas, it was just that beautiful. I looked over my shoulder, and there you were. Walking beside me was a drop-dead gorgeous lady. I smiled and felt a tingle in my knees only to realize that us two were holding hands, and that you're actually my girlfriend. I couldn't believe it. Everytime I look at you, the world stops spinning, people become non-existent, the cold fades, and replacing that cold is a warmth that many would simply describe as love.

I remember you telling me that you were hungry. Obviously, I'm always hungry, so when you told me you were, too, I couldn't be happier. We walked through Oslo, gossiping about certain figures we spotted being weird, or you eavesdropping on conversations about people fighting or being in love. We held hands. I remember you smiling everytime we made eye contact, and suddenly, the world seemed like it was a bit more worth fighting for. We stood still at a certain spot and noted that we had three options. We could either go to Burger King, McDonald's, or a restaurant further down in Oslo. I didn't care as much what we ate because I was starting to get hangry, and you didn't want to pick anything. So we stood there for a little while, staring at buildings, looking at each other, laughing, and being a picture perfect couple in front of the public eye. And then you said that some restaurants further down had good pasta, so I took your hand, and we marched to that street with those restaurants without further hesitation.

We arrived at Olivia and waited there for a little bit before we got seated on the top floor. I realized I wasn't really wearing restaurant clothing, and I felt super out of place. You, however, looked stunning. Absolutely stunning. I couldn't stop looking at you. Ordering was almost awkward. I remember you talking in Norwegian with the waitress, only for me to then suddenly talk English with her. You ordered mushroom soup, while I ordered pasta carbonara. I looked at you, you looked at me, and we were just smiling. I couldn't get enough of that smile, and still can't. I'd die for that smile.
Behind us were two people who we expected to be on their first date. The man was rather silent and simply nodded or shook his head to the woman's questions. The woman barely smiled, but she showed some interest. Slightly bending forward while the man had his back almost glued to the back of his chair. All in all, they had a very awkward date, and you and I couldn't stop giggling about it. Even me trying to make our date awkward as well, much to your dislike. Smiling at how stopid I was.

Our food came a little later, which was good because we were starving. You took a picture of we in a way that mom's usually do, very nostalgic and cute, but the outcomes are usually not-so-good-pictured. We ate, and then these women came up to an empty table behind us, not knowing you should've been brought to a table by a person of staff. So the women got angry at the waitress that confronted them and left. Very chaotic experience that was.you and I just talked and laughed and smiled. In my mind, I knew I was going to miss stuff like this when you became out of reach again. I knew it would hurt. But I'd rather be alone than never experience nights like those with you. That night at Olivia, the world seemed a better place. I fell more in love with you, like I did every day. And I can't wait to hold your hand again.

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