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A Poem

As a kid, I used to be obsessed with the sky.
I wanted to be an astronomer so badly.
I studied the stars, and black holes alike.
All that to broaden my galaxy.

The moons, the astroids, the neighboring planets.
Joined together by Sol.
The sun as we know it, a perfect aspect,
That which created us as a whole.

I liked to go stargazing,
It gave my mind a break from time.
But when that didn't work, and my head became cloudy,
I was lucky to call you mine

You make me very curious.
I want to get to know your every aspect, move, and sound,
You light me up like a bunch of fireflies.
Like an innocent kid in a playground.

You're as beautiful as the sun,
you make me feel lively from afar.
You're like a nearby supernova.
And you're as bright as a quasar.

With you, I feel there's endless possibilities,
Even though you're far at bay
You're literally as perfect
As that one star 5,000 light-years away

Even with all your amazing aspects,
you're humble, and patient.
You're waiting for little ol' me,
And I can't show enough appreciation.

Your eyes are like Andromeda,
Your smile as attractive as Sagittarius A*,
Your body as curved and dangerous like a tidal wave,
And your personality as unique as a neutron star.

No one compares to my Elenor.
Not like Castor and Pollux,
I don't even need to gaze upon the sky,
Because you're my Vindemiatrix.

I picture you when I play that song,
In a big field filled with grass.
And plants, and trees, and flowers alike,
A place only you and I can trespass.

You're my little Norwegian girl,
I love you, and I hope you understand.
You mean more to me now,
Than the sky that clears my head.

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