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A poem

With a love that is stronger than nature's storms.
With a distance seemingly impossible to cross.
We're sailing through the odds.
Us together, hand in hand.

We're untouchable.
Not because we're good at evading things,
but because even with such a grand distance between us,
we'll always find a way to love each other.
Our relationship is untouchable by the winds of life.

Even if I wished it was different.
The dread of not having you in my arms today,
makes me want to fight harder for having you tomorrow.
I will always wait for you.

You, my pride and joy.
You, the person that makes me laugh.
You, at first a random person, now my home.
Just you.

The only test we face is time.
When, and why not now?
But I want to face those tests with you.
I want to fight with you.
A team made of two individuals with no intention to quit.
I will never give up on you.

Even if you're half the world away.
You could be on a different planet, light-years away, and I'd find a way to still get to you.
My soul yearns for yours, and the distance is all but an obstacle.
You make me whole.

Even if we're untouchable now,
I will find a way to get to you.

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