He Is A Stranger!

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Heather sat in her room furious at the world. Her parents were forcing her into an an arranged marriage with some weird Spanish guy. For all she knows he's probably an old man who doesn't even speak English! Plus, she was only 17 and she'll only be getting married on her 18th birthday! She kicked her bedside table and slammed her hard fist into the wall. She started screaming at the top of her lungs and throwing makeup brushes around the room. In the distance she could hear her mother, still on the phone with her fiancés father, walking to her room. By the way her high heels were clacking on the ground it was obvious she was angry and there was a small chance she had a pistol in hand.

"I'll have to put you on hold I'm sorry." Her mother said to the man over the phone in a tone one would assume is sweet and genuine, but heather could see by the hole she had kicked in the wall a few minutes ago she was ready to pounce on her.

She harshly opened heathers door, although she could probably fit in the massive hole heather had created.

"What the fuck was that about Heather!" She looked at her daughter with daggers in her eyes. "Your going to marry this man no matter what, wether you like it or not!" Heather had tears in her eyes, tears of anger, tears of defeat. She felt empty. She felt that everything she had worked for up until now was gone.

"Because mom, I have a life, I have friends that I'll probably never see again, I have my dream of becoming the CEO of my very own hair company, I've worked hard in school all these years, for what! For you to just steal that from me and turn me into a slutty housewife who lives to serve her husband and have like 100 kids and go to dinner parties and become nothing but a sex doll for her husband!" Heather yelled. It felt good to let it out but her mother looked ready to strangle her.

"Well Heather, dear, you should've known better, your older brothers and sister have done the same why would we do anything else for you! Your a spoiled brat who doesn't even care for her family, we're going to make a bag out of this and your not going to ruin it by being the dumb slut you are! You are going to do what that man says, make his kids, make the dinners and stay silent while doing so, hear me!" Her mother screamed back, meaning every word she said.

Heather broke. She was gone. Forever and nobody could bring her back to life. She got on her knees and sobbed at the feet of her mother.

"Oh you always were the problem child dear, can't wait you see you gone. And your wrong about him being old, he's 19 years old, he's rich and he's really hot." Her mother stared down at her but Heather didn't look up, she was now on her but, rocking back and forth and her eyes pressing hard into her knees.

Her mother briskly left without looking back and the damage she had created.

Heather just gave up, her mother didn't care and no one else was listening.

She decided to just think about the wedding, she didn't have any say in anything and to her knowledge neither did her fiancé. She couldn't remember his name because of how hard she was crying when she was being told the big news. It was 'Ale'-something. Alejandro? That was probably the only other Spanish name she knew other than Jose or Manuel or something.

She wondered if she would finally see her older siblings there again. Last time she saw her brothers, Micheal and Greg, was at her older sister Katrina's wedding. She wouldn't admit it but she really misses them, she was stuck home with her little brothers, Damien and Patrick and her little sisters, Victoria and Jenny. Her and her siblings had very stereotypical 'white' names in her opinion, they were all named by her white father, but she was sure if her mother had a say they would have Asian names. She wondered if she would have kids, and if Alejandro would let her name them. She wondered what Alejandro looked like, she was probably way out of his league.

Suddenly her thoughts completely changed to wonder about Alejandro, (she thinks that's his name anyway) what was his favourite colour? Is he good in bed? Does he know anything about her and does he like her? What does he smell like?

She began to cry again at these thoughts. She was permanently giving her self away to a man that she doesn't know.

She felt it coming. Her breathing became uncontrollable. A panic attack. She was no stranger to a panic attack, she regularly had them and usually got them to stop by herself. She squeezed her thighs tight and thought about school and her friends. She thought about her best friends, Courtney and Lindsay. She thought about her basically brothers, Duncan, Geoff, DJ and Cody. She was very popular but those were the people who really shaped her into who she is today, a certified bitch. Thinking about her favourite people didn't seem to work this time, probably because in 9 days they'll never see each other again. This thought caused her to catch a feeling she didn't miss much, the feeling of needing to purge.

She loosened her arms from around her legs and quickly crawled into her bathroom. She inserted her fingers into the back of her throat and make a noise to imitate vomiting. Them it came out, her Puke was all over the toilet seat and it stank like a bitch. She began to bawl, she flushed the toilet, not bothering herself with the spilled vomit and throwing her body onto her king sized bed. She snatched her airpods and quickly put on 'Dealer' by Lana Del Ray.

She cried herself to sleep that night, not only disappointed in her family and with her life but with herself after the scene she just made.


A/N Heyy I'm sorry if this was a bit intense for a first chapter and I know it's quite short but I promise this will be the shortest chapter. I wanted to really showcase Heathers struggles before we get to the good part😏. Anyway let me know if this chapter was to dark or anything and I'll be sure to change anything! Boost in anyway you can if your enjoying so far!

- Isla<3

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