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Explain to me how I find myself retreating for my life from a pissed off beauty named Amalie

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Explain to me how I find myself retreating for my life from a pissed off beauty named Amalie.

Nevermind I will.

I'd decided to address my severe fear of heights, by going out to the rooftop of my building.

But to do that I didn't have to be in my right mind, because I could never do that voluntarily.

So I got a bit high and before I knew it I was sitting on the edge, looking over the sparkling city of New York.

Then I was later joined by my badass neighbor, who my high ass had decided to kiss without warning.

I was sure she wouldn't mind it because I only did it to draw the police chopper away from the fact that we were both publicly smoking, violating the Clear the Air conservation law that had recently been passed.

However I didn't get the time to explain this, because Amalie swung faster than I could speak.

I barely dodged and flinched forward instead of the usual back.

My heart stopped as I was about to die but Amalie caught me by my collar and threw me back.

"I'm the one going to kill you so don't even think about suicide."she growled and connected her fist to my nose before I curl recover.

I flew back writhing from the pain holding unto my broken nose.

My eyes began to water and I groaned in pain .

"You, fucking bitch!"I groaned making out the silhouette of her tiny body.

Her pace quickened and she got to me quicker than anticipated and struck me again.

This time the pain shot up my skull and I yelled in agitation.

"It's Amalie not bitch but you already knew that."she snarled.

That's when I realised I'd accidentally slipped up.

You complete idiot!

Yes I knew her name was Amalie, but she didn't have to know that I knew.

My neighbor who I'd once followed out to the very same rooftop a year ago , out of pure curiosity, who cried her heart out with a cigar in her mouth and a beer bottle at her side.

Before I knew it I'd kept following her up to the same rooftop, with my own pack of cigars.

I'd listened to her screaming out her pain without her knowing in the shadows and I'd enjoyed knowing I wasn't the only one who was that fucked up.

Her nightly rants gave me comfort in a weird sort of way but then she stopped coming a week ago.

I'd stopped by every day during that week to see if she'd show up but she never did.

So I figured she'd made the decision I never could to quit smoking.

And on this particular night when I found myself lying on the ground with a broken nose, I'd not only tried to face a fear of mine but to figure out what was so fulfilling about smoking of a rooftop.

I hadn't expected her to sit next to me or join me at that.

"Wait!" I yelled trying to stop her from hitting me again.

My high was slowly getting ruined and I didn't like that.

She paused for a second but the next second she was coming for me again.

"Don't be a bitch James, get up and fight."she spat and I made out her leg swinging toward my head.

I rolled out of the way just in time but I couldn't even catch my breath because she was on me again.

"Amalie!"I groaned not wanting to fight her.

I'd hit a girl any day if they fucked with me but I couldn't bring myself to hit her.

Who gives a fuck if anyone hates me for that, I hate myself much more.

"Amalie!Just listen!"I yelled dodging her frenzy of attacks.

She jumped back and so did I.

"Sure."she smiled.

Then her smile turned sinister and she cocked her head to the right.

Slowly she walked towards me and then she screamed and lunged for me,

"After one more hit!"

🙋🏽‍♀️hey jellies

This chapter is rather short, please pardon any typos I make.

Thoughts so far??

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