Day of the Rose

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Scene: Bloom's Dream

Daphne: Bloom...

Bloom: Who said that?! Who's there?!

Bloom looks around, searching for the voice.*

Daphne: It's me, Bloom... Don't you remember me? Don't you know my voice?

Bloom: You're the one who helped me escape from Cloud Tower, aren't you? But-but, who are you?

Daphne: Come to me!

Bloom walks forward.*

Daphne: Find me!

Bloom: Find you how?!

Daphne: Look around... Look within...

Bloom: Huh? What does that mean?!

Daphne's cloth touches Bloom's hand.*

Bloom: Uuh!

Daphne: You know the answer, Bloom...!

Bloom looks up, sees Daphne and gasps.*

Daphne: You will find me, when you find yourself...!

The bright light Daphne emits causes Bloom to shield her eyes.*

Daphne: Your destiny awaits you...!

Bloom: What do you mean my destiny?!

Daphne stretches her hand towards Bloom.*

Daphne: Take my hand, Bloom... And prepare for the journey...

Daphne's voice echos.*

Bloom: The journey?? What are you talking about??

Daphne: Prepare!

Scene: Bloom and Flora's Room

Bloom wakes up from her dream.*

Bloom: What? Ugh?! Prepare for what journey?!

Flora appears before Bloom.*

Flora: For starters: the journey outta bed, sleepy head! You'd sleep through a solar storm wouldn't you?

Flora walks over to her side of the room.*

Bloom: Flora? Was I talking in my sleep?

Flora: You have no idea! "Look within. What's my destiny?"

Bloom: I was having the weirdest dream!

Bloom grabs Kiko and gets up from bed.*

Flora: Well, I'm all packed!

Flora closes her luggage and takes it.*

Bloom: What do you mean? Where are you going?

Flora: I'm going home! Today's the Day of the Rose

Scene: The Winx's Living Room

Bloom and Flora step out into the living room where Tecna is also finishing up her packing.*

Bloom: Well, what about classes?

Tecna: There are no classes. This is a holiday where everyone celebrates their parents! It's one of my favorite days of the year!

Bloom: Sounds like Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day together!

Flora: So are you going to go home?

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