The Monster and the Willow

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Narrator: Bloom has passed the exam in the simulation chamber. Her virtual trip to Domino has given the Trix the opportunity to observe her powers. She has the Dragon's Flame. Little Kiko has to pay the price however, but he manages to save himself, thanks to his laziness.

Scene: Winx's Dorm

Stella: No, but really, you've gone too far this time! I'm putting a stop to it!

Elaina: Hey those are my shoes!

Bloom Stella, what happened? What's going on?

Stella and Flora are glaring at each other.*

Stella: Flora's overdoing it, as usual.

Flora: I'm just carrying out a couple of experiments. I've got an exam soon.

Elaina: Flora! We all have exams but they're invading!

Stella: Huh, no kidding. You've been going on about it for about a month. *mockingly* "I'm going to use the power of flowers to thwart the witches' evil spells."

Bloom: So? What's wrong with that?

Stella: What's wrong with that? In case you haven't noticed, your room has become a humongous chemistry lab.

Elaina: They are everywhere

Flora: Bloom gave me permission, and what's more, she said she'd help me study.

Bloom: I've already passed the simulator test. So I-

Stella: Yeah, some test.

Bloom: Hey! I took on Icy, Darcy, and Stormy! It wasn't easy!

Stella: I know, I'm sorry, Bloom.

Bloom: Don't worry about it, I know you're all a bit nervous.

Stella: Don't worry about it?! You should see our room!

They enter Stella's room.*

Stella: Okay, I gave Flora permission to put her flowers by my windowsill because they need a lot of sunlight. But then she spread herself out and put a bunch of Melanoma Vericosa...

Flora: Mimosa Vainatosa!

Elaina: Whocares

Stella: Whatever! I mean she put them right next to my mirror, Bloom. My mirror!

Flora: Well, it's normal. They feed off reflected light; your mirror is huge so it's perfect.

Stella: Eugh! And you think this is normal?!

Elaina: This isn't normal Flora

Stella points to the plants wearing her clothes and using her make-up.*

Flora: Well, what's wrong?

Stella: They're trying on my clothes!

Flora: That's why they're called "vain"-atosa.

Stella: I don't care what they're called. Make them stop right now. My clothes, oh Bloom, my beautiful clothes.

Bloom: Stella! It's not that bad.

Stella: Oh yes it is. They're wearing my shoes. They're even using my make-up. And look at them! They have no taste whatsoever. They're outfits don't even match.

Elaina: and that's a fashion crime

Flora: What do you expect? They're just plants. Tecna doesn't complain about it.

Elaina Fairy of Magic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now