The Fall of Magix

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Narrator: Bloom has returned to Gardenia and has resumed her normal life on Earth. However, never underestimate the Trix, who are playing their last card to get what they want, blackmail. In order to save her parents, Bloom loses her magic powers. And there's a new revelation: Daphne is Bloom's sister.

Scene: Front Gates

Bloom and Stella arrive at the front gates and go inside. They walk up to the dorm, which is still dark due to the early hour. Hearing them arrive, Flora leaves her room and turns on the light.*

Flora: Bloom!

Elaina: Bloom Im so glad your okay

Flora runs over to Bloom and grabs her hands.*

Flora: Oh, you're back! We were worried.

Musa and Tecna also leave their room.*

Musa: Bloom, you're back!

Tecna: Bloom, hi!

Bloom: Hi. I'm so happy to be with all of you again.

Musa: You don't look very happy to me. What happened to you?

Griselda: Indeed. That's what Miss Faragonda wants to know.

Griselda has entered the dorm room. The others gasp.*

Scene: Faragonda's Office

Bloom, Griselda, and Faragonda are in the office. Griselda pours some tea and gives it to Bloom.*

Griselda: Here. Drink it while it's hot. It'll do you good.

Faragonda: Alright then, would you like to tell me what happened, Bloom?

Bloom: I went back to Gardenia, Ma'am. I- I didn't feel like I was good enough for this school.

Faragonda: Oh, Bloom.

Bloom: It was a hard journey but useful. Now I know who I am, and what my purpose is. Or was, rather.

Faragonda: What do you mean?

Bloom: I found out the truth, and it's horrible. I'm the last Princess of Domino, Ma'am! The Keeper of the Dragon Flame. That's why my sister, Daphne the Nymph, gave me that crown at Lake Roccaluce. That crown was the symbol for which she sacrificed her life. Elaina and I are the last keeper of the flame. But if the flame is taken from her the whole universe goes away that's why they cant take it from her. Elaina and I are cousins no wonder why our powers are cinnected.

Faragonda: Yes, but you embody that symbol. and Elaina embodies the whole magic dimension

Bloom: You mean you know my history? Why in the world didn't you tell me?

Faragonda: Bloom, sometimes the search for the truth is more important than the truth itself. If I'd told you earlier, you wouldn't have been able to understand.

Bloom: So, you're saying it was better for me to find things out through the three witches?

Faragonda: What three witches? What are you talking about?

Bloom: Icy, Darcy and Stormy followed me to Gardenia and took away the power I was meant to protect. The Dragon Flame is in their hands. Those three witches are no mere students. A strange light shines in their eyes. They're crazy, ma'am. Crazy like the three old witches who destroyed Domino way back when. And now, what's going to happen?

Faragonda: I don't know. But this doesn't bode well for Magix.

Scene: Cloud Tower

Griffin: What are you three doing here? This is my school and I won't let you wreak havoc in here!

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