Part 5

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Three Weeks Later

"Nigga when you going to make a move with Yasmin? Even I can feel the sexual tension between you two," Jaylen said while doing a series of bicep curls. I finish my reps of shoulder presses before I set down the weights. At least three days a week me and Jaylen hit the gym before work. The club opens at 2pm, so we do have time in the mornings.

"I don't know if I should," I admitted.

"Why not? You know you like her! And I'm not just talking about the sex either."

"She gives off a vibe like she wouldn't be into getting to know me. I think she wants to fuck again but that's it."

"Oh she told you that?"

"No but it's just the vibe I get. Plus I am her boss it's inappropriate."

"Forget all that you run your own business you don't have to answer to anyone else. And you can't say that yet allow me and Nyla to work together."

"But y'all are married."

"And? We met at the club! And you never had a problem with it."

"Nah it didn't phase me to be honest. You two were made for each other and always do what needs to be done at the job."

"I love that woman so much. But anyway....what's really stopping you?"

"I don't think she wants anything serious."

"And you do?"

"At some point yes. Like I'm 31 I'm not just trying to fuck endless women. I just want that special one. And I know I don't know Yasmin well but the feeling I get just being around her.....well I've never felt it before. Just like content....I sound dumb as hell."

"Nah nigga you don't. When you meet a special person you just know. That feeling isn't for nothing." I just shrug my shoulders as I take a gulp of water.

"Like we definitely flirt. Sometimes at work and even through text. Like even on days when she doesn't work at the club, she'll reach out or I will. We have constant communication so that gives me a bit of hope, but honestly I don't think she wants to get attached."

"Has she mentioned her ex or anything?"

"She briefly brought up that he like really fucked her up. I don't know the details though. When we met in Miami she said her and her ex were recently broken up, so it's kind of still fresh for her."

"That was like 8 months ago almost. He must have really done a number on her."

"Yeah I don't know details and I don't want to press her about it."

"I understand. She's becoming real popular with the regulars though."

"Really?" I try to keep my distance because if not I will be watching her all night and I don't want to turn her off.

"Yeah man. I see them flirt with her often, although I can tell she just plays along. But that nigga Jones has really had his eye on her." Jones is some rich nigga that comes into the club pretty much every weekend. From what I have heard he is a drug dealer, but honestly he has never given me any trouble in the club.

"Damn Jones?," I said.

"Yeah man. Like make a move or make your feelings known before some other nigga gets at her. You don't need to see that shit at your club."

"I definitely don't want to. But I'm not sure what to do."

"Ask her on a date it isn't hard," Jaylen said while chuckling.

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