Tired Out

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It was yet another stormy afternoon in the Darklands as it had on most days. It was also the last week of summer before school, university and college starts up again. Aside from thunder rolling in and lightning breaking through the sky; the sound of very frustrated piano playing comes and goes. Inside the Koopa Castle there's a music room, and the sound comes from inside.

Inside that very room is the eldest out of eight siblings, heir to the Koopa throne and music maestro Ludwig von Koopa. He had written yet another symphony and is trying to practice to perfection on his piano. However he keeps hitting the wrong note and he stops playing his symphony; resulting him to start over again. The pauses Ludwig has between his piano playing are unnaturally very long. Usually he would take a short pause and try again on a normal day.

Not today it looks like.

Ludwig's pauses consist of rapid blinking; as if he's having a hard time staying awake. The eldest koopaling so badly wanted to take a nap, but he either shook his head or slapped himself as hard as he could. It hurt, but it works.

Ludwig is an insomniac, and that happened ever since his last year of high school. He had kept that as a secret for himself and told nobody about this problem; until his former high school and his family found out two weeks at the end of the school year. The nurse prescribed him sleeping pills, and they worked.

Still; the eldest koopaling felt so tired.

Maybe he might've skipped a pill last night and didn't know about it until today? Maybe it's one of those nights where he forgot? Maybe he wasn't feeling well after the sleep he had last night if he did take a pill?

Right now Ludwig can't recall what he did last night to make him forget. His tired mind wouldn't register a thing. That was one symptom of having insomnia: difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks or remembering.

The other symptoms Ludwig had are waking up too early, difficulty falling asleep at night, waking up during the night, daytime tiredness or sleepiness, irritability, depression or anxiety, increased errors or accidents and ongoing worries about sleep.

Ludwig shut his eyes tightly and put a hand on his forehead. Due to lack of sleep; the eldest koopaling had been getting random inexplicable headaches. He's even hearing ringing in his head. When the ringing passed; Ludwig put his hands on the piano keys. He felt ready to try again.

Until out of nowhere a hand touched his shoulder. Ludwig jumped and quickly turned to see who had grabbed his shoulder. He sighed in relief when he saw it was his grandfather/mentor and magikoopa Kamek.

"Apologies for startling you." Kamek apologized. "You seemed to be that focused on your latest...song if I'm not mistaken?'

Ludwig cleared his throat before speaking. "A symphony." he corrected. "And yes...it seems I've been...deeply invested into it."

Kamek walked a little closer to the eldest koopaling squinting at him. The bags under his grandson's eyes are now evident to him. He was close on his guess. His insomnia had kicked in again. Though the magikoopa wasn't sure if he should ask questions or not. It was time for a trustworthy tactic.

"Have you considered taking a break?" Kamek asked. Ludwig was about to scoff at the idea, but caught it in time.

"Take a break?" Ludwig asked. "Why would I simply 'take a break' when I have a whole ton of problems with my life down the line? I have to work on tasks before becoming king, watch over seven younger siblings and I have to consider 'taking a break'? How am I supposed to do that?"

"Well, you can read a book in the library for one." Kamek answered. "You might find something worth the interest there. You could also hang out with any of your siblings or maybe take a nap." He whispered the last part to himself.

Ludwig blinked a few times and raised an eyebrow. "What was that?" he asked with suspicion in his voice.

Kamek waved his hands nervously. "Uhh, nothing nothing." he answered quickly. He then regained his composure. "Say; I have an idea. Why don't you come with me to the magic room? We can have our own private tutoring session."

Ludwig took out his music sheets and closed his piano lid. "A private tutoring session?"

Kamek nodded. It seems he caught Ludwig's interest. "Yes Master Ludwig. I'm actually practicing a new spell that I think you're ready for soon."

"Have you told Father about this?"

"Not yet Master Ludwig. I wanted you to be the first to know."

"Do I need my wand for this?"

"No dear boy. You look to be much too tired. If you try to use magic in your tired state, it would not work well for you. At least let me try the new spell out on you? Don't worry my boy, it's safe."

Ludwig nodded reluctantly. That would make sense. In order to be good at magic; you need to have a healthy mind and body, not just practice. He followed Kamek to the magic room. It was a room with very tall bookshelves filled with many spellbooks and books about potions. It also had a fireplace, a table with a crystal ball, science equipment by the looks of it and beanbag chairs.

"You can have a seat on one of the beanbag chairs. Make yourself comfortable." Kamek offered as took out a book and turned to a page that's bookmarked.

Ludwig accepted the offer and sat on a green beanbag chair. He immediatly sank into the comfort of the chair with contentment and leaned back. The eldest koopaling yawned and his eyes became half lidded.

"Now I'm curious," Ludwig said. "what spell did you want to try on me?"

Kamek read through his book, then looked up at the eldest koopaling. "Oh, just something I would suggest your father next time he kidnaps the princess. Maybe use it on those plumbers let's say. It won't hurt them, but it will slow them down." the magikoopa explained as he spun his wand. "What you just need to do is relax for me. I promise I won't hurt you."

Ludwig relaxed his body as magic from Kamek's wand was directed at him, but it was slow. The new spell aimed for his eyes as they started to close more instead of becoming half lidded. Only one eye closed, but his left eye was open a bit.

"K...ame.....k...." the tired koopaling mumbled.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Kamek reassured. "Just let the spell do its work."

Ludwig shook his head slowly. "No.....can't sleep.....afraid.....I'll be a......failure......"

Kamek frowned. "Now how would sleep make you a failure? How could you even say that about yourself? You've accomplished so much. I would not say sleep makes you a failure. You're overthinking the worst case scenarios." The magikoopa sighed. At that point Ludwig's eyes are both fully closed and the eldest koopaling starts drifting off. Kamek walked to the sleeping koopaling, kneeled beside him and rubbed his cheek. "We'll talk more of this alongside your father, but right now you can hang out here for a while." Kamek stood up and smiled. "Get some rest."

Kamek glanced at Ludwig before returning to his spellbook. He tapped on the page he was on.

"That sleeping spell really worked its wonders." he whispered to himself. "Maybe I'll arrange with His Unawareness to set up private lessons with just me and Prince Ludwig."


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