1 | class 1-A

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"WORK STUDIES, hooray." I say with a sigh. Nejire glanced up at me, curiosity clear in her eyes. "Are you gonna take this year to train with Aizawa-sensei, or go back to the Hawks Agency?" asked Nejire.

As I opened my mouth to respond, Mirio ran in. I closed my mouth, looking at him questioningly. "Guys! We have to introduce ourselves, did you forget?" exclaimed Mirio loudly, making me wince at the volume.

Oops. I mean, I really don't want to.

I was sitting on the floor cross legged while Nejire was laying her head on my lap, looking at the ceiling. We were at the common room, doing rather nothing out of boredom. The two of us had sat and talked quietly about random topics.

I blinked a little. "Not my little brother.." I let out a groan, and slowly, reluctantly stood up, offering Nejire a hand. We ran with Mirio to meet up with Tamaki, who was standing outside, looking nervous.

We all heard a voice from inside the class 1-A. "Now then, let's get started. Go ahead and come in." The door opened, and I saw Aizawa standing there. I just stood there, letting the three go in by themselves.

What? I'm not like Katsuki. He has too much of an ego. Way too much.

"These four, are third years and rank top of the body." Annoyed, Aizawa emphasized on four and glared at me. I could see the students trying to look at me. Katsuki looked pale, and some of his classmates noticed.

A part of me laughed at his expression, and the other part screamed at me for laughing. The other part screamed back, and I started feeling nervous.

"You better come in right now kid, or detention." Aizawa continued to glare at me. I stayed there, while Tamaki stared at me pleadingly. He let out a tired sigh. "And you don't get to patro-." "I get it!" I yelped and slowly peeked my head in, soon walking inside.

Katsuki banged his head with his arms around his head on the table and screamed, muffled. Everyone stared at him, except for me. "Nice to see you too Pomeranian." I said with a laugh. Katsuki shot a withering glare at me, not that I cared much.

"You may know these people as the Big Three." He reluctantly said, thankfully not saying four. "Then why are there four people?" Someone with brown hair asked. Aizawa's glare hardened onto me. "Because, someone is too humble to accept that they're the top student." The man emphasized humble sarcastically, as if knowing I wasn't doing it for that reason.

"So, introduce yourselves?" Aizawa impatiently prompted after.

Poor Tamaki started trembling, glared intensely at the first years and mumbled, "I want to go home." I sighed and took his hand, stroking it gently. "Nejire, go ahead." I gestured for her to introduce Tamaki and herself.

"That's our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki! And I'm Nejire Hado. So I'm supposed to talk about- oh wait!" Nejire exclaimed giddily. Oh no, here it comes.

She started asking half the class questions. Stuff like if Ashido's horns could regrow, where Todoroki's scar came from. I deadpanned, giving her an exasperated look. "Nejire! Get back on track, dumbass." I glared at her tiredly. She chuckled nervously but thankfully backed off.

"The future's gonna be?!" Mirio exclaimed, while I groaned for what seemed the upteenth, even more tired. "Lame, Mir. Just like your introductions." The class started laughing. I glared at all of them, and they shut up quickly.

I really want to go home with Tamaki. That sounded amazing right now.

Mirio smiled at me. "Wow, you really got me with that one." Aizawa sighed. "If you don't introduce yourself right now Y/n, I will personally-" I threw my hands up, surrendering. More like I was being arrested. "You called me by my first name. That's a surprise." I said sarcastically. After a moments of silence, I crossed my arms and looked at the class

"Name's Y/n Bakugo. And yes, I'm the sister to that anger issues guy right over there. We are blood related." I vaguely gestured to Katsuki, who was still pale.

Everyone murmured, surprised and startled, while Katsuki started trembling in anger.

"Heads up! The rad new plan is all you first years fight me at once!" Mirio exclaimed enthusiastically. I stared, startled for a second at him. "You know what Mir? I don't even care anymore, just let me sleep." I responded, not that anyone had asked for my response. I didn't care. Aizawa glanced at me, a sliver of sympathy in his tone. "All-nighter?" I nodded tiredly. He nodded back. "Figured."

Mirio looked at Aizawa and he just said to do whatever.

Well, great! Looks like a bunch of first years are going to get beaten up now. There goes Class 1-A.

Mirio does not know how to hold back, trust me.

word count: 840 words !
things are probably gonna get longer from here, not sure?

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