18 | an awkward reunion

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"I STARED AT MY PHONE, everything else seeming like a blur. Once again, I had crossed paths with Shinsou yesterday. Such a strange coincidence, yeah? He had said I could keep his umbrella for now, and I could return it to him the next time we actually planned a meet up.

I thought about Nejire's words. Did I like him? I shook my head furiously, trying to get rid of these thoughts. He was just a good friend. I'll get over it eventually. Besides, what was so special about Shinsou? His voice, his personality, a voice whispered to me in my head. I slumped and placed my head in my arms, stifling a long groan.

"What do you want for dinner?" A monotonous asked, drawing me out of my thoughts, which seemed to be happening an awful lot recently. "Anything is okay," I mumbled absentmindedly, tracing my fingers across the rough wood, now resting my chin on my arms. Aizawa nodded, walking over to the kitchen to rifle through the food packets we had. Unsurprisingly, he couldn't cook. Before he had taken me in as a guest, he mostly lived off of coffee and occasionally takeout. I did attempt to cook, and barely made a decent meal, and even that was following off a recipe on the internet.

After a few moments of rustling, Aizawa came back out with ramen packets. "Good enough?" He grunted, and I nodded silently, not bothering to reply verbally. My eyes stayed on the table, as my head eventually went in its own space again. I really needed to stop doing that.

Hey, the school festival is real close, isn't it? A voice in my head asked, the words barely passing my brain, and then fading out like a wisp. Didn't we already think about this enough? Another voice in my head tiredly answered, and I began warring with myself. Shut up, will you? To my surprise, they listened. I felt like I argued with myself too much in the past few days, and it didn't even make sense. Why was I arguing with myself?

There the questions came again. I just needed to stop thinking, for my own sake. Nothing to help with that problem. My issue with sleeping didn't help much either. "Here," Aizawa placed a bowl in front of me, steam coming off of it. Two chopsticks lay beside the bowl, and I picked them up gingerly. "Be careful, don't burn your hands." He advised me, before placing his own bowl in across from mine.

I nodded, mixing the ramen in front of me as I tried just to focus on my food. "What is 1-A going to do for the school festival?" I asked curiously, my eyes moving up from my food slightly eagerly. "Honestly? I don't know." Aizawa heaved a long sigh, taking a small bite of his ramen. I snickered under my breath, and he glared at me. "Really?"

"They spent the whole period trying to brainstorm and didn't get anything from it. They went for voting, or something. I don't know, I slept through most of it." His tone was sarcastic, and I decided not to pry the subject more. I finally started eating, letting the flavour seep into my mouth.

Knock knock.

Our gazes both flew to the door, mine curious, his wary. "You want me to get that, or?" Aizawa shook his head at my question, as he pushed his chair back and stood up. "It's fine, eat your food." replied the man as he made his way to the door.

As Aizawa opened it, his eyebrows raised a bit, and he sighed. "Come in." grunted the teacher, letting someone I thought I wouldn't have to see in a while. Well, not at least until I chose to, because, what was the possibility that he would show up right in the house I was staying at?

It was supposed to be low, but apparently not! Life is really out to get me these days. What did I ever do? Horrible luck seems to be chasing, laughing at me right now. No matter how much or fast I run, it clings onto me like a leech. Probably because it was one. I sound salty? Probably because I am.

Because how, out of all the people that could've showed up, was the one I never wanted to be stuck in a house with ever since I left? Why did it have to be him? Why can't I just take it slower, instead of having so many changes happening after each other, refusing to stop or slow down like the way I wanted it to?

Here's a lesson for you, from Y/n. You want life to go a specific way? It'll do the complete opposite, constantly taunting you in between. I'm not pessimistic, I promise. It's just true, at this rate.

So why did Katsuki Bakugo, out of all people, have to be standing in front of the door awkwardly, refusing to look my way? Why couldn't he have just been shouting and cursing at me? Why, just why couldn't he have blocked me along with my parents? Why couldn't he be apart of the past I tried and nearly succeeded to leave in the dust?


. . .

"EAT. ASK AIZAWA FOR SOME SPARE CLOTHES, AND FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK A FIGHT IN THE GODDAMN RAIN?" I grumbled, after Katsuki had sat down and made himself comfortable— well as comfortable as he could be with me around on the couch.

I gently placed the bowl I had been eating from in front of him, on the small coffee table. Leaving to the kitchen, I fetched a new pair of chopsticks and handed it to him. He had been uncharacteristically silent throughout all of this, but I wasn't going to snap at him to talk. If he didn't feel like it, I wasn't going to make him.

His crimson eyes followed my back harshly, but when I turned around, he was simply looking at me with faint confusion. I scoffed and turned back, continuing to busy myself with, well, basically nothing. I had pulled out my phone, but there was almost nothing to do. Things were complicated with Neji, and Mirio and Tamaki— not that they were unreliable, but I just didn't want to talk to any of them right now.

"Y/n?" My head snapped around at the sound of my voice, especially from Katsuki's voice. "What?" I heaved a long, tired sigh. "I'm—" He looked like he was going to choke on his own words, and I laughed at him pitifully, starting to know what he was trying to do.

I shook my head, placing my hand in front of me like a STOP gesture. "You don't need to apologize for our parents. And frankly, I don't want go hear my anger-issued brother apologize. Is the world ending?" There it was, his familiar glare of anger. Always easy to pry out of him.

I wasn't sure I'd ever forgive my parents, but my brother had done nothing wrong. Sure, there was a lot of things he could work on, starting with his temper and the way he said things, but he certainly wasn't like them.

And I was sure I could find peace in that, just knowing the simple information.

once again, not proofread cuz i really wanted to get a chapter out 😭
words: 1.2k
i feel like a relationship with shinsou in music would be like w2e
also ilygsm thanks for the support! what chapter ideas do u have <3

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