7 | y/n bakugo: origin

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i cringed too much at this chapter sorry

A few months ago

I feel like I've been overlooked for a long time. Perhaps even too long. Maybe even misunderstood. Honestly, there wasn't a good word to describe it in my perspective.

Do you understand the feeling of overachieving because your parents keep expecting more? Because they aren't ever happy or satisfied with what you've achieved? Because they want you to give up everything in your possession to become " a great, inspiring hero "?

That's in my view, what my parents expect of me. What they don't understand is that's too much to ask of me. I don't want to give up everything in my life if it's even worth living for, for " heroes ". Yeah, there's nothing wrong with heroes. However, I don't understand the concept of heroes and villains. Nothing in this world is completely white or black.

This was some serious thinking for me, so I wrote it down. For a couple of hours, I spent time on writing for once. Just scribbling the words on the paper cleared my head and helped me realize how shitty my parents were. They weren't much better for Katsuki, but he was what they say an egoistical little boy. Too arrogant, in my eyes. In theirs, angry, and very much needed fixing, but better than me.

Better than the daughter that couldn't even avoid making friends, yes?

"Friends are problems. You constantly have to worry about what they're expecting or thinking of you. If they like you. If they're talking shit behind your back. You never know, so just avoid making friends." Were the words of my parents, long ago.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head, biting the inside of my cheek as I looked up to the ceiling, spinning around in my chair. All Might and Aizawa had just left after asking about dorms, and my parents being themselves agreed almost immediately. Putting on a little play in front of the teachers to reassure them that they had raised Katsuki and I fine.

Standing up abruptly from the chair I had just sat on, I walked outside my room and gently closed the door. My hand tightened around the doorknob, remembering the little bag I had packed just a while ago for dorms. I walked to the living room, where Mitsuki and Masaru sat, chatting.

The television played in the background, and Katsuki was sitting on the couch with his feet on the table just before the television. His eyes fixed on whatever was playing. "Mitsuki." My voice was quiet and still, but enough to be heard. Her head turned immediately to me.

"What is it?" Her tone was thickly layered in concern. My hands clenched, but I relaxed myself best I could. "I'm so tired." I responded vaguely, but it was enough for her to understood. Of course, she pretended to have no idea about what I was saying.

Mitsuki put on her best confused expression. "What are you talking about?" Her faked confused tone. Katsuki stiffened from where he sat, his shoulders tensing.

"The way you treat us— no, me. Just because I got, what, blessed? Blessed with a good quirk." My voice rose shakily. "Just because I got a good goddamn quirk doesn't give you the permission to treat me like shit, then gaslight all about it." I continued on, starting to talk faster. "And then when I achieve what you ask of me, you ask for more."

Mitsuki's eyes narrowed slightly, though her bottom lip trembled. "Y/n, darling. We can talk about this, okay? I'll try—"

"And then starts the 'I'll try's' and all that guilt tripping shit!" I laughed shakily without any humor in the burst. "Aren't you ever fucking tired or hurt that you're manipulating your own child? No, let me correct that. Your own children? Does it like, say, not matter to you?"

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