𝐎𝐍𝐄. 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧

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Iris grabbed the first free cart she could find. She applied to be an RA for the year to lessen her tuition cost and of course, the free dining. Her family had helped unload her belongings into the cart and told her that they'd meet up with her around dinner time after she had gotten situated. Saying her goodbyes, she started to push her cart into the main building.

"Welcome Iris," Millie the resident life director greeted with a stack of envelopes in her hands. "Hi Millie," the girl gave a bright smile. "You're going to be staying in Room A404," Millie handed Iris her folder that had her badge and documents. "Thank you," she took the folder and placed it in her cart.

Being an RA had meant moving in three days earlier to have their orientation and training. Iris was excited to start her sophomore year and most importantly her single bedroom and bathroom.

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"Sophomore year," Janessa exclaimed as she entered Iris' dorm. Janessa had been Iris' floormate their first year at Stanford, and both decided to RA the following year, which luckily they got the same building just one floor difference.

A lot had happened during Iris' first year and Janessa had been there as her support system through it all.

"What're your thoughts on this?" Iris held out her sketched design of her floor board. "I like it, but it's missing something," Janessa took the iPad out of Iris' hands to inspect the drawing better.

"I know," Iris sighed while putting away the last of her things. "Worry about this later Iris, we have to go to training right now." Iris brushed off anything that was on her bed and started to put on her shoes. "I'm ready."

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Iris and Conrad usually called at six in the evening Iris' time because it had been more convenient for them both. Today though, Conrad hadn't called like most days. Iris sat in her dorm room and waited with her laptop open for Conrad to call her.

She texted him earlier in the day, asking if they'd call today and he replied with a thumbs up that had out Iris slightly off since he usually would respond, but she brushed it off thinking that he was probably studying for midterms and was focused on that.

Her phone had rang and she picked up instantly, "Con-" she started.

"Not Con," the familiar voice laughed, "but close enough." Iris laughed but felt slight sadness. "Hey Jere," she sighed with a smile, "What's up?"

"Oh nothing, just wanted to call about life, and probably your thoughts on college apps," his voice rushed at the end of his sentence. "Well what are your options?" she asked him.

Jeremiah went on a rant about what he wanted to do, to where he intended on going, then onto a topic of whether or not he planned to rush. Their call had lasted two hours and by the time they said goodbye, Iris was sleepy and texted Conrad that they could call another time. To that message, he had just liked it, again.

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i updated ?? this is new LOL
but i have some free time before
i have to move in to my dorm

i will say though that this story
has me more invested than the first
because it's an original story i am
telling that isn't solely based on the

also PLEASE don't hate on conrad !!!
his actions will be explained / this book is
dual timeline so that when i potentially
write book 3, you guys will be up 2 date

hope you'll love this story as
much as i'm going to write it <3

© 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

© 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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