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THE TWO Slytherins walked to the Great Hall, not speaking to each other. Laura was still entranced by the small details of the hallways. That was one different thing she enjoyed about Hogwarts; it was a whole new experience to roam the castle and find new things.

It was a pretty uneventful walk until Draco and Laura's hands brushed against each other. They both went red.

Laura kept her eyes up, looking at the ceiling. Meanwhile, Draco took the situation into his own hands (literally), grabbing Laura's hand and interlacing their fingers.

Laura tensed up at this sudden movement, letting go of Draco's hand.

"I'm sorry," Draco said quickly.

Laura smiled, putting her hand out again.

"If you're scared of these hallways," she teased, "I guess I can hold your hand till we get to the Great Hall."

Draco laughed, interlacing their hands again.

"Scared?" he asked. "Why would I be scared? You must be the scared one, Pickering."

"I dunno, Malfoy," Laura said. "You seem like the sheltered type that's terrified of everything."

"Well, I can assure you I'm not," Draco said, looking down at her.

"We'll see if that's right sooner or later," Laura said, letting go of his hand as they reached the Great Hall.

They made their way to the Slytherin table, sitting on opposite sides; Laura sat next to Pansy, and Draco sat next to Blaise.

"Was that you two I saw holding hands?" Pansy asked almost immediately as they sat down.

Laura laughed, shaking her head as she filled her plate.

"No, why would I hold hands with Blondie?" she asked. "Besides, even if that were to happen, how would you be able to tell?"

Blaise looked between Draco and Laura. The expression on his face was one of trying to figure out if Laura was kidding.

"Laura, your hair is bright blue at the tips," he pointed out, "and Draco here has platinum blond hair."

"Whatever, let's just eat," Draco said, rolling his eyes. "It's not like I would ever want to hold Pickering's hand."


Laura was woken up by the sound of singing.

Her other roommates (except Pansy) were in their little girl group.

It consisted of Daphne Greengrass, Natalie Hilton, and Alana Kay.

Laura yawned, getting out of bed. She wasn't used to roommates, as back at Ilvermorny, all the students had their own room. Laura sat there, waking up, wishing she had her old Horned Serpent room.

Laura got up, going to get ready in the bathroom, getting ready for the Saturday awaiting her. When she finished, she went to the common room, where she saw Draco sitting on one of the couches, giving her a brilliant idea.

She snuck over, covering his eyes, "Guess who."

Draco laughed.

"Hi, Larua."

"Wrong, tsk tsk," Laura said, shaking her head as she sat on the couch. "I am Merlin himself."

Draco slowly put his arm around Laura, pulling her towards him.

Laura gingerly moved his arm, moving to one of the armchairs.

"Merlin would not let that fly," she said, sticking her tongue out.

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