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LAURA WENT down into the common room after getting ready in the morning.

Pansy and Blaise were going to meet Laura and Draco in the library that morning. Because Laura knew most of the student body had a bitter feeling about her since the night before, so Laura took her time getting ready.

She was dressed in a forest green turtleneck, black ripped jeans, and her favorite white platform hightops. She dressed to be comfortable but to impress that day, wanting to turn heads.

If Laura was going to be forced to participate in the tournament, she wanted people to know who she was and that she wasn't backing down.

"Hey, Malfoy," Laura said, causing Draco to turn to see her, his eyes widening when he saw her.

"Hey, Pickering," he said, getting up. "You're ready to go to the Great Hall?"

"You know it," Laura grinned.

They went down to the Great Hall, chatting as they walked. When they walked in, Laura could feel everyone's eyes on her. She was used to people staring at her for being controversial, but that changed when there were a few Gryffindors who wolf-whistled at her.

She looked over at them, staring at them.

"That's not okay!" she shouted. She flipped them off before going back to walking over to the Slytherin table.

Laura grabbed a few slices of toast, letting Draco grab some apples (he insisted). The two decided to eat on their way up to the library, as Laura reasoned she had a lot of assignments she needed to do.

But before Laura and Draco left, Cedric approached Laura.

"Can I have a word with you?" he asked.

Laura nodded, and she glanced over at Draco. He looked between Laura and Cedric; Cedric sent him a polite smile.

"I'll be right outside the hall," Draco muttered to Laura before stepping away, letting Cedric and Laura talk.

"How are you holding up?" Cedric asked, smiling at Laura. "It seems like you're more in the spotlight than anyone else."

"I've had to get used to it," Laura sighed, looking up at Cedric. "I don't necessarily enjoy it, but it's how I had to live while at Ilvermorny. I'm just kind of glad that it's not the weight of the country on my shoulders this time."

Cedric looked a bit surprised, but he nodded.

"If people ever go too far, tell me," he said. "I know some people in my house are mad that you got chosen. I'll shut them up if they bother you too much."

"Thanks, Diggory," Laura smiled. "I appreciate it. Sorry that I'm stealing your glory, though. I know Hufflepuff isn't the most popular."

"When it's with someone like you, that's fine," Cedric said, winking. "We're both competing for Hogwarts to win, that's all that matters to me."

"Well, I'm rooting for you," Laura said, putting her hand out, "For Hogwarts."

"For Hogwarts," Cedric grinned, shaking her hand. "Have a good Saturday, Pickering."

Laura waved him goodbye, walking out of the Great Hall where Draco waited for her.

"Thanks for waiting for me," she smiled as he handed half the breakfast he grabbed.

"Laura, you look amazing!" Pansy exclaimed in a whisper when Laura and Draco walked over to where she and Blaise were sitting.

"Aww, thank you," Laura said, placing her stuff down. "You look amazing too, Pansy."

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