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LAURA AND Draco ended up falling asleep in the common room by accident.

Draco woke up before Laura, startled, as she was asleep... Asleep directly in front of him. What was more confusing was her blanket was also draped over them.

Her body was leaning against him. She seemed like she was about to fall off the couch.

"Laura," he whispered softly.

Laura fell off the couch.

"Merlin's mustache," she breathed, sitting up quickly.

She looked around the dark common room, only to see she was on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, trying not to laugh.

"I'm doing great, thanks," Laura said sarcastically, grabbing her blanket from him. "Why'd you have to scare me like that?"

"Why were you sleeping next to me?" Draco asked.

Laura looked between him and the armchair she was sitting on the night before, raising an eyebrow. It was clear to Draco that she wanted an answer.

"Fine, we both don't know what happened," he said, sitting up and stretching. He checked his watch, "It's about four in the morning. We should head back to our dorms before anyone comes down."

Laura nodded, leaving sleepily to her dorm without another word.

She sat in bed, staring at the ceiling. She wasn't sure how she could've moved to the couch. Part of her knew there was a good chance she moved while half asleep and didn't remember.

But she was also a heavy sleeper, so she wasn't too surprised if it happened to be that Draco dragged her over to the couch. Yet, he seemed confused enough when he asked, so she was sticking to the fact that she moved while half asleep.

When Laura woke up again, she sat up groggily. She wanted to fall back asleep, as she had only slept for another hour. Part of her missed the good sleep she got next to Draco. But that was silly of her to think about.

"How was it?" Pansy asked when she saw Laura was awake.

"I need more sleep," Laura yawned. "But it was fine. Draco and I just talked. I taught him some ASL."

"You can't go back to bed, Laura," Pansy said, watching Laura fall back onto her bed. "We're going down to breakfast in a little bit."

Laura sighed, getting out of bed and opening her trunk. She dug through, pulling out some clothes.

"Fine, I'll just have to get a nap after classes," she said, walking to the bathroom.

"No can do," Pansy sighed. "We have dinner right after. You can't miss it since they're choosing the champions."

Laura groaned, giving up. She was going to have to go through the whole day tired. Or, she would have to sleep through dinner.


"So, who do we think being picked from Hogwarts tonight?" Blaise asked, glancing around the Great Hall as they ate lunch.

"Me," Jordan exclaimed, walking over to where they were sitting and ruffling Draco's hair as he sat down. "I put my name in last night, I have high hopes."

"Yeah, right, Lee," Blaise said, chucking, "I doubt the cup would choose you."

"Oh, Zambini," Jordan sighed, shaking his head, "someone's got to represent Slytherin, and it's going to be me."

"I'm rooting for you," Laura grinned, "I think you'd make a good champion. Even if everyone at Hogwarts hates you, I'll always support you."

"Laura you're a true friend," Jordan grinned, putting his fist out. "I have your back whenever you need help, got it?"

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