Chapter 3

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Six years ago...

It stank here, just like it always did.
It stank booze and sweat, mixed with cigarettes, sex and other things Elisabeth cared not to think about. She always found herself here night after night, under those too-hot stage lights that buzzed like a drunken swarm of flies. The pole always had been the easiest way for her to make some decent cash, after all. She had both the body and the agility to really put on quite a show, though not that the knuckledraggers in this hick town could appreciate it. Elisabeth did not necessarily hate what she did, on the contrary she was quite the closet exhibitionist, it was more about who she was doing it for that made this job so degrading. Tonight like every night she would undress for them as they leered at her like a pack of feral dogs would a juicy steak. One of her regulars came in then, and Elisabeth cringed internally. He paid quite well, he was a US senator after all. One with a wife and kids back home, not that it mattered to him, the sleezeball. It was always the most family-values conservative politicians who had the skeeviest morals, that was something true no matter which side of the world you were on. He preferred Elisabeth specifically due to her particularly smooth and porcelain skin, soft as silk.

However, something was different tonight. He seemed... panicked. Afraid. Rather than waltzing in with his usual bravado, he burst in and immediately made for the back, a look of sheer terror on his face. It was like he was being chased by someone...

"Hey Kelly, keep them entertained. I'm gonna see what's up," said Elisabeth to her fellow dancer, feigning concern for her "regular".

"Sure thing Jem," winked the other girl, calling Elisabeth by her assumed name, "Don't wanna lose your piggybank after all~"

Elisabeth did not necessarily hate Kelly, but the younger brunette could certainly be grating at times. With a shrug, Elisabeth hopped over the bar, fending off a couple grabby hands with a stern look, before making her way back to where the senator had gone. She first checked the men's room, and found it unoccupied save for whatever organisms had achieved sentience in the far stall. Next she peeped her head into the women's room, which doubled as their changing area. Also empty, though the back exit that allowed the girls to leave quietly in case of a rowdy customer, was ajar. To be more specific, it had been nearly bashed off its hinges. Concerning to say the least, since that door was kept locked from the inside at all times, with the only key in the manager's office. A brief cursory inspection revealed to Elisabeth that it had been forced open. From the outside.
Immediately she fell into the old pre battle routine from her GARDNA days. Though she was rusty from the past two years of slumming it in this podunk town, Elisabeth's raw Dhampiric strength was still nothing to sneeze at. Briefly she wondered what could have smashed that door open, and wondered if even she could have managed that feat in her better days. A brief check of the private rooms revealed her target, cowering behind a chair.

"J-Jem??" He stammered upon seeing Elisabeth, "What are you doing here?? Call the cops you damn bimbo!!"

"Who's chasing you honey?" Purred Elisabeth, crawling over and embracing the man, pretending for the moment not to have heard the "bimbo" comment.

"S-some kinda... snake thing..." he whispered, "Said it's coming for the price on my head, whatever that means! Save me!!"

Price... that made sense. This guy definitely seemed the type to have made his fair share of dirty underworld dealings. And if the assassin was already here...

"Y-you mean that??" She cried, faking panic and pointing at the door. In the instant his head turned to face the empty doorway, Elisabeth shoved her hand through his chest, clutching his still-beating heart for just a brief moment.

"I'm so sorry darling~" she cooed, smooching his cheek as life fled from him, "But that price sounds like my ticket out of here~"

"Oh does it now?"

Chrono X Angel, Book 6: Branching PathsWhere stories live. Discover now