Chapter 3: The Once And Future King

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Have you ever noticed how time always seems to differently depending on how you feel?

By my count I've been living this second life for almost three weeks now, but recently it's began to feel like I've been in this world for a whole lot longer...

While at first this whole experience had been really fun and exciting, after three weeks of basically doing the exact same thing day after day, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't gotten seriously bored.

Don't get me wrong. I'd forever be grateful for the fact that I've gotten this second chance, but I just really wish that there was something here for me to actually do.

Sure this era might have mystical monsters to fight or people to save, but with the powers and experience I had it all felt so trivial. There was no challenge for me to overcome, or some grand objective for me to complete. It kind of felt like I had reached level 99 in a video game, and was now just lazing around the starting area cause I had nothing better to do.

Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I wasn't sure there was anything here I could do...

See while I wasn't an expert in the Fate universe by any means, (I frankly didn't really get what was happening half the time), I had read a wiki page or two after having been part of the Fate community for so long. 

And it's thanks to that research that I know for a fact that Camelot is basically destined to crash and burn...

See human history in the Nasuverse can basically be separated into different "Ages", and each "Age" brought with it different rules on how world operated.

During the "Age of Gods" for example, Gods and Goddesses like Ishtar walked the Earth in physical form; and being dead was actually closer to sleeping than actually being dead. The "Age of Gods" would have lasted forever, but certain events and the actions of King Gilgamesh led to that "Age" ending, and the world transitioned into a new "Age", with new rules.

The rise and fall of Camelot will also serve to transition the world into a new "Age".

Currently the world was in its "Age of Mystery" phase; where magic and mysticism was a fact of everyday life. It was perfectly normal for fairies and dragons to exist, and it wasn't entirely unheard of for strange woman lying in ponds to hand out swords.

Humans in this era also didn't have the same limitations as modern day humans; they could fight for days without rest, or take on entire armies all by themselves. (This was also why the Pict captain from three weeks ago had been so weirdly strong for a normal human.)

The battle between Artoria and her uncle Vortigern, (which marked the beginning of her reign as king), would signal an end to the "Age of Mystery"; while the fall of Camelot would lead the world into the "Age of Man" over the course of the next few centuries.

The "Age of Man" needed to happen for human history to stay on track, and even the planet itself would make sure that it did by making the fall of Camelot a fixed point in human history!

No matter what events might occur, or for however long it is delayed, the fall of Camelot will always happen.

Which brought me back to my original question: what was I supposed to do in this second life?

Aside from finding stuff to fight there really wasn't anything for me to do here. At least back home I could have wasted a few hours on Reddit or played some video games, here the internet wouldn't even be a concept again for at least another thousand years. 

(Hell, in this era books weren't even a common commodity yet so I couldn't even pass the time reading.)

A big part of me wondered if it wouldn't be better to just leave Britain altogether, but something in my gut told me to stay. Maybe it was just wistful thinking, but a part of me couldn't help but wonder if it really was just coincidence that I had been reborn in Britain at this exact point in time.

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