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"We need to find some better weapons" Ashlyn said as she wrote down their first objective on the whiteboard. "Alright, but how are we going to get that?" Y/n asked.

And so the seven kids were sitting around and thinking about ways to secure the graveyard and protect themselves. It was quite for the most part. Some talking, sharing ideas but it wasn't all that helpful till it is shown that Aiden, out of all everyone...had to be the rich kid. "GASP- you're richer than me?!" Y/n cried in money as she heard Aiden tell everyone how much allowance he owned. Aiden laughed and patted her back. "Hahaha! No need to be jealous, I'll gladly throw money your way" Aiden winked at her, y/n cried. 'He's making fun of me!' Eventually y/n calmed down and just then, Ashlyn asked for Aiden's knife before cutting off her beautiful long hair.

"2 minutes..." Logan muttered making it Y/n the only one able to hear it. "Welp, let's hope your injury doesn't hurt so much there" she turned her head to look at him. He nodded, "I'll let you know" he whispered. "You better" she slightly giggled. He smiled before looking at the clock again. "30 seconds..." he said a bit louder making everyone hear. "Ugh finally!" Taylor said. "Alright then, see ya guys!" Aiden laughed as y/n woke up. "Woah- I can't get used to this" she whispered as she held her head.

Meanwhile with Logan, he woke up in his bed and the pain wasn't as painful as before. 'Should I...?' He asked himself as he looked at his phone. 'No...we just woke up, she must be tired...' he thought as he laid down again and tried to close his eyes. A minute later he heard a notification.

Y/n :
You alright??

He started smiling. 'S-She texted me!' He was excited and tried to calm down.

Logan :
Yea, all good

Y/n :
I'm glad to hear that

It was quiet again. Logan was thinking weather he should say something or not. 'Just do it Logan...' he thought as he was about to type. But he turned his phone off and hid under his blanket. 'Come on...don't be like that' he thought to himself.  He slowly opened his phone again and went into contacts. 'Ah, she's still online!' He thought. 'Wait- does that mean she's texting someone else?' He panicked. He signed before putting his phone away...again and he closed his eyes again.

'You're such a coward, Logan'

6:35am and y/n got ready for school.

(Please I love this 😭)

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(Please I love this 😭)

6 students were walking next to each other. 'Hmm, where is Logan- wait, stop it y/n, it's non of your business anyway!' Y/n tried to get him out of her head. "Are you able to order the lights during lunch?" Ashlyn asked Aiden. "I should be, yeah" he replied. "Aren't your parents going to be confused when the lights arrive though?" Taylor joined the conversation. "They're on a trip right now. Probably won't be back for a few months" he said. "GASP- that's so cool" y/n said as Aiden laughed at her. Suddenly Tyler stopped walking and y/n accidentally bumped into him. "Huh, i was wondering where the nerd was" he took his eyes off his phone to see the scene in front of him.

There stood Logan with his back behind the lockers and in front of him a guy from the baseball team.

There stood Logan with his back behind the lockers and in front of him a guy from the baseball team

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"Is he...being bullied?" Ashlyn asked. 'How did I never notice?' Y/n thought, disappointed at herself. "It's him again." Taylor spoke. "Yeah, yeah. I'm on it" Tyler was about to walk up to him but Y/n beat him to it.

"Hey you!" Y/n yelled as she walked up to them. "Who're you?" The tall boy asked. Y/n didn't answer and pushed him, making him take a few steps back. "Doesn't matter, back off" she glared at him. "Hey, don't worry I'm not doing anything bad here, just talking to my partner about our science project." He faked smiled as he got close to y/n and patted her shoulder. Logan didn't like it one bit that he touched the girl in front of him. "I'm sure you were" Tyler joined the conversation and glanced at Logan who was looking down, cheeks bruised. "I'm not an idiot, Barron. I could hear you yelling from the end of the hallway." Tyler spoke. Y/n shook off the hand on her shoulder and turned around to face Logan but he didn't dare making eye contact with her. "Hey..." she tried to make him face her but he wouldn't let her.

He couldn't let her.

'Tsk...I'm such a coward' he thought.

The bully, Barron finally left and Logan thanked Tyler, again, looking on the ground. "You're really scared of him? After being around those things every night?" He said.
"Tyler, enough..." y/n softly said as she held onto Logan's right shoulder. "What was that about?" Taylor asked. Logan was quiet for a second before telling her that he forgot to do Barron's part of the project. That upset y/n a lot. After weeks of knowing each other, she was frustrated in herself for not seeing his situation.

Luckily they all felt the same way, so Ashlyn was kind enough to ask her parents for giving them self defence lessons. "Weren't you worried about us getting sent to an asylum or something?" Tyler asked. "Right, but after what happened, we can use Logan being bullied as an excuse and tell them something along the lines of him wanting to defend himself, and to be supportive, we're all going to learn with him" Ashlyn explained as everyone agreed. That's when y/n got a closer look at Logan's face and she saw his bruised cheek. "You guys go to class, we'll be behind you" y/n said as she held his cheek. Tyler just shrugged before dragging Taylor with him. Aiden just chuckled as Ashlyn followed behind.

"Y/n..." Logan didn't look at her, he was too ashamed. "I'm sorry...I should've noticed" she apologised. "We're...going to be late" he whispered as they stood in the middle of the hall. "It's fine...the bell hasn't even rang yet" she said. He signed in defeat before finally looking down at her. Their faces were very close together and he was very shy about it, y/n too oblivious to see that. "Does it hurt a lot?" She asked as she cups his cheeks. He shakes his head no. "Alright...then let's go to class now" she softly smiled before backing up and together they walk together in silence. Logan couldn't help but feel something warm in his heart. She cared for someone like him. A beautiful girl liked by everyone, caring about a quiet, lonely coward like him. They entered the class and during the lesson, he'd look at her here and there

Is he catching feelings?

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