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"Ugh..." Logan woke up to the sound of his Alarm. He slammed the alarm clock shut and got up to get dressed. Just as he was brushing his hair a bit, he heard something from downstairs. "What-.." he muttered as he left his room and stood in front of the staircase. Then he heard footsteps and soon enough he sees a girl, holding a cup and wearing his pj's, about to walk up the stairs but stopped once she saw him standing there. "Oh Logan..you're awake" she said in a quiet voice, slightly hissing at the pain in her jaw. "Y/n...I-.." he was feeling shy seeing her wear his clothes. He thought she already left. "I made you coffee...do you drink coffee?" She asked as she watched him walk down the stairs. "Oh...not much no.." he told her truthfully. "Hmm, well not to worry! I made tea for me, it's untouched, you can have it" she smiled at him. "Oh I- thank you..." he got more embarrassed. "Can you take this downstairs while I go up and get dressed?" She softly asked. "Yeah..sure" he took the cup from her, feeling her fingers brushing his gave him goosebumps.

He walked downstairs and set the cup on the kitchen counter. He saw the cup of tea and blushed seeing that the cup she was going to use was actually the cup he uses all the time. I guess they both have a good taste in cups! Taking a sip of it, he liked it a lot! It was a (tea flavour) tea, maybe it was a bit too sweet for him, but he still enjoyed it. Looking at the time, they should get going soon. "Y/n??" He called her from the staircase. Soon enough she came down with the clothes from yesterday and Logan's backpack. "Hey...sorry I walked into your room with no permission, just figured I bring your bag" she handed him the bag. "Haha...it's okay, thank you" he replied. 'Not like you did that last night aswell...' he slighty blushed and locked eyes with her. "Uh...y/n? You didn't bring your bag" he now just realised. "All good, I won't need it" she simply explained, Logan making a confused expression but nonetheless, they got ready to leave, Logan locking the door, and together they walked towards school.

"You guys are getting on my neves" Tyler spoke to Aiden and Ashlyn. Now they were in school, walking down the stairs to their next classes. "How are we supposed to 'celebrate' if you're ruining the good mood with awkwardness?" Tyler told. It was silent for a second. "...What Tyler means is that you both seem a bit tense" Taylor said. "There's about 10 minutes before class, how about you guys talk things out and we'll grab some snacks?" Y/n suggests. Taylor agreed on this and together they walked down the stairs with Ben, Tyler and Logan following them behind.

Now, they stood by the staircase, Y/n on Logan's left. They all eavesdropped on the conversation between Ashlyn and Aiden. The way the two talked about how they felt....y/n felt jealousy. She wished she and Logan could talk to each other like that ever since last night, the two pretended it never happened which hurts y/n's heart. Does that mean he didn't care about any of it? Well, Logan was upset with himself for not being able to get himself to talk to her. 'I was so stupid....' He thought, remembering how she stopped him from going further...but why did it felt like she wanted it to? What was she doing to him?? Y/n didn't know either, she decided to move on from this little 'crush'. 'It's better this way' she thought of how it's an awful idea being in a relationship at a time like this...she knew this  little 'crush' on Logan was only because she felt like she was going to die every night and he was the only one that could give her some kind of safety, afterall he saved her life last night.
Listening to them talk what's on your mind has been sweet, till Tyler ruined the moment by saying it was cringe, Ashlyn of course hearing it.

"I'm pretty sure I failed that midterm..." Taylor mumbled. "We all did, Taylor" her brother next to her spoke. They were all in Ashlyn's living room...well not all. "Yo, what's taking h/c girl so long?" Tyler asked. They've been waiting for 15 minutes. "I can text her" Taylor took out her phone and send a text message asking where she's at

Meanwhile y/n.

"Eric I really can't go with you, I have plans" she stood outside the school with Eric. "Y/n don't lie, I know you don't have to work at the cafe today" he said as y/n got onto her bike. "How do you- eh doesn't matter, I have other plans" she spoke. "With what?? Hanging out with the nerd?" Eric asked getting annoyed. Y/n was shocked at what she just heard, Eric never talked like that. He was usually a very funny and kind hearted guy. Was this his true colours?

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