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Y/n signed as she got out of the car along with the others, they were standing in front of the arcade. Now y/n can take her mind of things! She was glad that they all agreed to hang out together.

"You kids have fun! Call if you need anything" Ashlyn's dad spoke. "We will" y/n heard a voice say behind her. She turned around to see Ashlyn, next to her was Logan who waved at Ashlyn's dad. 'Sign...today I can't get anything right' she thought but got stopped by a hand ruffling her hair. She gasped and turned to see Aiden grinning at her. "Noooo! My hair!" She whined, trying to not laugh. "HAhahahaha! Last one to get into the arcade is a slow snail!" He ran. "A slow what?" Tyler asked as they all watch him run inside.

"The arcade is fun and all, but are you sure you'll be okay, Ashlyn?" Taylor asked concerned. "We're supposed to be celebrating, and relieving some stress...I don't want you to be uncomfortable the whole time..." she continued to worry. "Yeah these are great at cancelling out noise, I should be fine" Ashlyn said, putting on some headphones. "Plus I've never been to the arcade, some I'm kinda curious." She spoke. Y/n slightly gasp. "Whaaaaaaaaat no way!" She grabbed Ashlyn's arm!! "Come on, I'll make sure we'll play EVERY game" she said. "Me too.." Logan said...which no one really replied to. Ashlyn could only smile at her friend.

They've walked around a bit, Y/n's arm still around Ashlyn's. Logan felt...sad. Ever since what happened they've been a bit more distant. Ben noticed Logan's sad expression and turned to see who he was looking at.


Beautiful Y/n, always with such precious smile, the way her lips would curl and her eyes shine. Right...those lovely eyes that looked at him with affection and...love? Logan missed that a lot. Now they've all stopped walking so Ben nudged his shoulder and Logan looked at him confused. Ben, with his eyes indicated that he should try talking to her. Logan could only shake his head, he's always been bad when it comes to speaking. Ben signed, before giving Logan a slight push and watch him stumble and almost fall, but his head was met with y/n's back, who also stumbled a bit. Ashlyn looked at y/n, who only gave her a nervous smile as she turned her head around. "I-um..." Logan whispered in nervousness. He stood right behind Y/n and his head was almost resting on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at him, trying to hide the fact that she enjoyed his touch.

She was supposed to move on. But it's so difficult when he's here doing those kind of things...sign...
"Oh Logan..." she whispered his name with a small sign. How did he end up tripping and falling towards her? She didn't know, and he did. She giggled. "Who knew you'd be a clumsy one?" She joked and he could only chuckle. "Heh...sorry about that" the two smiled at each other, their faces so close. 'He's adorable' y/n thought. But then realised she shouldn't be thinking that way and turned her head around again, listening to the conversation about the DDR mat, Ashlyn slightly smiled at the interaction she accidentally heard.

"Oh! Oh! I'm good at DDR too!" Taylor exclaimed. "I-I know how...but I'm not good at it" Logan says behind y/n who slightly giggled at the fact that he still stood so close behind her. They all turned to walk towards the machines and y/n felt someone grabbed her hand. Subconsciously she let go of Ashlyn who continued walking. Now the two were behind the others. Logan was extremely shy holding her hand again. He felt a bit sad she only sees him as a friend but he was glad he had someone so special to him. Maybe he should move on from this little crush? He doesn't know...and he doesn't want to think about. All he wants to see today is the girl next to him, laughing at the others!

"Oi I'll beat you in a game too y/n!" Aiden joked. Y/n could only chuckle as she wrapped and arm around Logan's. Blushing again, he looked down her. "Hey...why don't you try out?" She asked. "I...um..." he started. "Yeah! Come on Logan! Pleaseeeeeee?" Taylor begged and he looked back at y/n who had pleading eyes. "I'm not very good at it...but...o-okay" he said. The two let go of each other and he got onto the platform. Y/n stood between Tyler and Ben. "You and Aiden? Now with Logan? You in some kind of love triangle?" Tyler got closer to her and talked. "Geez Tyler, what kind of dirty mind do you possess" she chuckled. "Tsk...what about Eric then?" Tyler asked. 'Pang' oh come on...

Y/n tried to take a deep breath. "Tyler, are you jealous? Do you want to be part of this secret lover cult?" Y/n joked and he could only chuckle before nudging her away from him. Y/n's heart still aching upon hearing his name.

Now they were at the basketball game. Y/n saw Logan sat at a bench. She was hesitant before sitting down next to him. "I'm awful at those games..." she chuckled and Logan nodded. "Y-yeah...Taylor and Tyler seem to be pretty good though." He said. "Yeah" she smiled. "You go Taylor! Beat your brother for me!" She cheered. "Haaaah! I'll beat you next!" Tyler said trying to sound annoyed but failed causing everyone to laugh.

The group had lots of fun playing games. Ashlyn and Tyler were competing in a game, where Logan accidentally got hit by a...
'Hmmm...what's this called?' Y/n asked herself (lmao I'm y/n rn)

what's this called?' Y/n asked herself (lmao I'm y/n rn)

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(Wait wtf what is this game called?! Also...I love the art style so fucking muchhhh)

Moving on, the group then watched Ben and Logan play a game where they had to shoot using the toy guns. Y/n was impressed by Logan's shooting skills. "Damn..." she muttered to herself as she watched Logan shooting everyone on the screen. He blushed a bit, accidentally hearing her reaction.

Aiden and Y/n held a race, driving motorcycles. It was a tough game, the two of them were tying, one of them being the first and then the other catching up making them second...but would again get first.

It went back and forth and eventually y/n got tired and Aiden took the chance to overtake her making him...

"HAHAHAHAH I WON!" He yelled. "Ughhhhhh" y/n signs as she looks on the screen, showing she got second place. "Wooohoo!" Aiden grinned, causing y/n to chuckle. "Dammit...I was really looking forward to you buying me a frozen yogurt" she giggled as she got off the motorcycle. They walked onto the next game, a punching game. This was a game definitely made for Ben, they said. "Heh...I-I think um..you were amazing..." Logan suddenly said, standing next to y/n, who stood a few metres behind Tyler. The determined look on her face, the way her body would move with the motorcycle. Who knew y/n could look this...

"Hmm? You think so?" Y/n turned her head and smiled a bit. That boy is too adorable. She giggled seeing him nod a bit. "Well, I thought you were amazing in the shooting game." She admitted. "Really?" He asked.
'She thought...I was amazing?' Logan was kinda shocked. She nodded. "Yeah, and oh! You had that look on your face where you looked so focus! It was...hot? I'd say" she blabbered but stop when she realised what word she had used to describe it. 'What the actual fuck did I just say-..' she thought.
"Oh? I-I...t-thank you..." his face got hot. 'Did she really just-..' his thought got cut off when he saw y/n run off towards the others. "Woah Ben! That's a lot of tickets! Geez just how strong are your punches?" She laughed and patted his shoulder.


He looked at the interaction. Clearly she's more interested in someone like Ben, strong and tall...handsome even. A tall and strong guy like Ben who can throw really hard punches...isn't that what girls actually find hot? 'Tsk...I'm just a weak Nerd getting bullied by others...I'm useless...worthless even..' Logan thought to himself as he slowly walked up to them and join them.

Meanwhile y/n, she got so embarrassed she just had to walk away and she tried to distract herself by talking to others. Her cheeks were slightly red and she hoped she could cool them off by ignoring the sweet sensation in her stomach...what do people call them? Right...butterflies.

She turned her head to see a sad Logan, was he sad because she left him. She started to feel guilty, she didn't mean to make him feel that way. "Come on Logan!" She held his hand and he immediately looked at her. "We've got lots of tickets, let's get you a price! You deserve it after all" she smiled at him. "Huh?" He looked at her shocked before shyly smiling. She always knows how to cheer him up...she makes him feel...loved...somehow.

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