chapter six

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.Meira's POV.

After I reached Austin's place, I paid the cab driver and got out of the cab. I looked up at the building and man, this, definitely not what I expected.

It was an expensive place to live. You can say it from the outside, just by looking at the building. Austin lives here? He's actually that rich and could afford this place?

I'm pretty sure I saw the top floor's penthouse.

Does he live there?!

I walked inside the building and there was a woman behind the desk, in the lobby. She looked up at me when I walked up there.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She seemed nice.

"Hi, uhm, can you tell me which floor Austin Davis is on?" I asked sweetly to come out innocent and polite.

"I can. But before that, may I know who you are to him?" She smiled.

Please don't make me hate you, you seem nice.

"I'm...I'm someone very close to him," I said. "He knows that I'm visiting tonight. Actually, I haven't visited him ever since he moved here so..." I trailed to make her fill the rest; whatever she likes to. The less I talk, the better.

"Uh, okay. But I actually have to inform him that you're here. It's the policy for the resident's safety." She said picking up the telephone set to call Austin.

"You can't," I said quickly. "Actually, today is his birthday and I really, really want to surprise him. If you tell him then the surprise will be ruined." I requested her with the utmost earnestness.

Girl, show some mercy and give me his floor.

She looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, ma'am but—"

"Please, please, please," I whined. "Do I really look like a bad person to you?" I asked innocently.

God, what else am I having to get his apartment number!

Her eyes widen in shock, "Ma'am, that's not what I said—"

"Then, please. Let me surprise him. You can be assured about all of your concerns after when I'm up there, to make sure everything is fine." Him not murdered and whatever else you're thinking, I wanted to add.

She looks troubled. I could sense she was battling within herself.

Do I look like a serial killer?

I started pleading her again, "I promise, I swear to god, and if I did anything wrong or lied after swearing to god, I'll die," I said quickly. Her eyes widen in shock.


I whistle as the elevator goes up to the seventh floor.

I know what I did was completely wrong. Nobody should do that. But I didn't lie. Do I really look like the person who would murder someone?

People are unpredictable and cannot be trusted. But I had to do it. If Austin finds out that I'm here, at this hour, he'll never let me enter his apartment and might even ban me from the building.

Apparently, he doesn't own or live on the top floor in that exotic penthouse.


I can handle Austin when he actually sees me but I won't be able to do a single shit if he claims he has no business with me.

The elevator dinged as I reached the seventh floor. I walked down the corridor searching for the door where his name was written. I reached at the end of the corridor finding a mahogany door with a golden and black nameplate with 'AUSTIN DAVIS' written on it with the number 7004 below it in small.

I saw there was a front door camera hanging above.

I stand there for a second and think while staring at the camera not averting my eyes for once. 

Hmm, if I ring the doorbell and Austin saw that it is me standing outside, he'll never open the door and will tell me to go away.

Wow, is it what I get after so much effort?

I literally begged the receptionist.

The fuck I'm letting it go in vain.

Then another childish yet devilish idea came into my mind. I smirked and let out the chewing gum that was in my mouth. In the receptionist area, there was a small basket that had chewing gums and mints on them. I picked some from there.

Yeah, I'm that type of girl who takes those free mini shampoo and shower gel bottles from hotels.

I tiptoed and somehow stuck the chewed gum on the lens of the camera. Damn it, the camera seemed expensive.

If he can afford to live here, he can definitely afford to buy a new camera or just remove the gum and clean the lens after I leave.

It was hard to stick the gum since it was high and tiptoeing in heels is the worst thing in history. I managed and somehow stick the main area of the lens. Then I ringed the doorbell.


I muttered and remembered god, silently praying for some reason. Maybe I was nervous.

"Who is it?" Austin's voice came out after a few seconds in a stern sharp voice. He must have seen that his camera isn't showing anything.

I covered my mouth before I could let out the yelp that was about to slip out of my mouth. My heart beating fast as I take small breaths to relax.

Relax, Meira, he won't kill you.

"Who is it?" He asked again. This time, more sharply.

I knocked this time so he doesn't walk away thinking that nobody is on the other side. Which happens to be me. I stayed silent 'cause I was confused as hell.

Wow, my confidence level needed to decrease in this situation!?


I heard faint shuffling and the door's lock clicked open. In an instant, Austin opened the door with a gun in his hand, pointing directly at me.

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