(Y/n) (L/n)

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favorite color = (f/c) your name = (y/n) last name = (l/n) Eyes color =(e/c)

hair color = (h/c) hair length =(h/l)


(Y/n)'s POV

I just ended my concert, man being a singer is awsome!!!! It's been 4 years since I got that audition and became a singer. It was a suprise when my first song was out a lot of people buys and love my songs. I knew I'm good but I never thought I that good!! Even though it's tiring but it's fun when I see everybody enjoy my songs. When I got the audition I was so nervous that I couldn't even take a step to the audition but everybody I knew keep encourage me to try. A few of the ones who encourage me was:

My childhood friend: Ran Mori
My best friend: Katharine Dain
My twin brother: Hikaru (L/n)
And last but not least my cousin: Shinichi Kudo

They were the one who encourage me the most. I'm very glad that I have a lot of good friend. Oh and speaking about my cousin Shinichi Kudo, a lot of people like Ran-nee said that I am a lot like Shin-chan. Well I don't blame her I'm like Shin-chan about loving Sherlock Holmes, solving cases, smart, ect... I'm just as good as Shin-chan when it comes to solving cases. I was called "The Blue Rose" for some missunderstain that I'm mysterious when I'm just shy.

Sometimes I'm like Ran I know karate and how to know how to cook. And when I'm really mad or annoy than I'm scary like her and sometimes scarier.
But that's not the problem.

My twin brother and I are differant I'm more mature and smart when he is more childist and dense. But there are time when he is smart but they were rare. And there are sometimes I act hyper they happen when I don't to worry about somethings or when I'm have somethings fun to do. He older than me for five minute. Even though we annoy each other but we khow when to get along and have fun!

My thoughs were snap when I hear my phone ringing. It was Ran-nee

Me: moshi moshi Ran-nee.

Ran: Hey (Y/n), I just watch your concert on the TV.

Me: Oh really do you like it?

Ran: Like it? I love it!!!! You have an amazing voice (Y/n)

Me: Thanks Ran-nee. I didn't think it was that good.

Ran: oh and (Y/n) what was that song all about? It seem like a love song. Ooooohhhh. Don't tell me you have some one you liiiikkkkkkkeeeeee?

Me: Of course not Ran-nee. It was about you and Shin-chan

Ran: What??!
Me: *sigh* your to slow Ran-nee. Anyways I think you need to stop hanging out with Sonoko. She sometimes be a bad influence.

Ran: Jeez you're just like Shinichi. He just told me that a few minutes ago!

Me: Well I got to go Ran-nee. Oh! And next week I got a suprise for you and Shin-chan.

Ran: A suprise?! What is it?!

Me: Sorry can't tell you'll have to find out yourself Ran-nee

Ran: Fine..... Bye (Y/n).

Me: Bye!

I hang up. The suprise was I was coming to Japan next week and will be staying there for a few months. I can't wait to see theirs faces when they see me. Well got to go home before Hikaru-nii gets worries.

Ran's POV

Hmmm I wonder what's the suprise that (Y/n) talks about. I know I will ask Shinichi. I was about to walked to Shinichi's house when I hear tou-san asked" Ran where are you going ?" " I'm going to Shinichi's"

"Why are you going to that brats house?" "I just wanted to ask him something." "Fine just when you're done come home to makes me dinner." "Hai Hai".

And then I walked to Shinichi's house. I rang the doors bell and them Shinichi opened the door." Ran? Why are you here?" "I'm here to ask you about something." " um ok come in and tell me about it" he let me in and sit in a chair in the livingroom

"So what do you want to ask me about ?" Shinichi asked "Oh I here to ask you about (Y/n)" " Huh? About (Y/n) ? Did something happen to her? " " No she said that she has a suprise for us. Do you know anything about it? "

"No I don't she didn't tell me anything about it. Hmmmmm I think we should wait until next week to know what her suprise." " *sigh* Ok" I get back home But I will find out if thats the like the last thing I do. I thoughts

Shinichi's Pov

Hmmmm I wonder what is (Y/n)'s surprise but knowing Ran she will ask every times she has I almost feels sorry for her.......almost I haven't forgive her for her prank the last time. I though with my smirk

Ok!!!! That's done oh and this is my first time ok so no bad comment Ok?

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