Who's the cupird?

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Your Pov

After Ran and Aoko called the police, I inspected the body. Well Conan wanted to do it soo....

~flash back

"Ne ne (Y/n)-nee-chan can I inspect the body with you?" Conan said doing the puppy eyes. Urg I not strong enough to say no to that. Did Shinichi told him to do that? I thought trying to think of something to make him NOT to ruin the evidence. I'm always weak at the puppy eyes.

Ah! I got it!

"Sorry Conan-kun no...." I said looking at him. While he makes a surprise face then sad face. "But you and your friends can help me looking for some suspects in the sercurity room!" I said hopping that he would acept or I am done for.

"Hai!" He said and ran off with his friends.

"Phhewww." I let out all the air in me which I didn't that I held.

"Still can't deal with the puppy eyes trick can ya? Haha!" Kai-chan said laughing at me. But wrong move when I'm in a case, you don't want to mess with old Blue Rose. I can be cheerful in front of the kids but when they're not here. Back to the mean little me.

"Enough I will exam the body. Ran, Aoko watch Conan and the others for me. Kaito, Kaiba wait outside untill the police arrived and bring them here. Hikaru you watch the door and see if there's anyone want to get in here and make them stay there. Got it." I looked at them no emotions were seen. The only one who looked surprise is Kai-chan. Everyone esle just nodded and left.

~flash back end

With Kaito and Kaiba

No one's Pov

"Hey what's with (N/n)-chan?" Kaiba asked the only one that's knows you nearby Kaito.

"Oh that's her altor ego. Mean (Y/n) as Hikaru described it." Kaito said it like it was no big deal and normal with a little grin. "Oh soooo..." Kaiba said still not getting the point.

"So she will be cold, emotionless and a total cold-hearted girl whenevers there's a case." Kaito said with a shrugs.

"Even when the case related to her family and friends?" Kaiba asked rasing an eyebrow at Kaito

"Especially about her family and friends."

"Oh is she like this in her first cases?"

"A little bit." Kaito answered at the same time a policeman comes to them and asked

"Ah are you friends of Blue Rose-san?"

"Ah you must be the police come on." Kaiba said, started running with Kaito and leading the inspector and the police to you

To Conan and Ran and the others

Conan's Pov

That's werid she usually weak at the puppy dog eyes trick. I thought as I looked at the sercurity's cameras

"Ne ne Conan-kun did you find anyone yet?" Ran asked me while looking at the screen.

"Hmmm yeah there this werid lady here. And a strange man over here too." I try to do the innocent kid act. And it works when I see Ran smiles at me

"Alright then let's get them guys." Genta shouted

"YEAH!!" Everyone expect me and Ran shouted

Back to you

Your Pov

I can hear Kaito explaining about my altor ego to Kaiba. I wear my gloves, yes I have gloves in my bag. I always have them in there.

I was examing the body, then I reconize this person. It was the new sercurity guard. His name was Baranoseba Tanashi. He had almost black green hair, sky blue eyes and he still has his uniform, badge. Everything! Not even his wallet! It looks like he had something in his hand. A card?

"Let's see what you left for me Tanashi-san." I said to him while carefully take the card out of his hand. There were three: One was a gun with blood all over it, second was a picture of a man but his no face and the last one was a rose with a knife above it but the blood was only on the knife. The blood on the third card seem to be real blood not paint.

These were hand made. And pretty good at that too. What's this? I thought as the corner of my eye I see a signature.

Great Gaka.~

I nearly laugh my god he take my adviced!!!! Hahaha!

"(Y/n) we are here with the police!" Kaito said as the policemans and inspector Megune came in

"(Y/n)-nee-chan we found some suspects!" Conan said when his gang came in as well

"A-alright please bring them in. I-I have to make a call." I said trying to not laugh in front of them. Luckily only Kaito and Kaiba noitice this. Wonder why?

"Um is this normal Kaito?" Kaiba whispered to Kaito.

"No this is really unusual."

I took my phone out and called the only that has that signature.

"Hello? Hello!" That person answered

"Hey Adam." I said to him

"Oh hey what's up (Y/n)?" He asked. Then I imidiately let out a little smirk and said.

"Who is the cupird -buyer- Adam?"

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