Goodmorning Italiano

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Lovely morning in Rome. Natasha and Damiano were in their shared bed room sleeping. It was 9am and it was pretty sunny outside. Natasha woke up and started looking at Damiano with a smile. They were together for almost 7 years and live together in Rome. She started trasing her finger across his cheek up and down slightly,not to wake him up. But then he twitched and opened his eyes.

Natasha: oh sorry Dami,Good morning

Damiano:Mmmmh good morning Bellissima

Natasha: you don't know how cute you are when you sleep

Damiano:*smiles* really? Am i sexy?

Natasha:haha very

-he took her hand and kissed it

Damiano: you don't know how pretty you are

Natasha:Thank you Amo(short for amore) Now let's go make breakfast

Damiano:Nooo cuddle with meee

Natasha: *giggles* ok


-he hugged her and started kissing her neck


Damiano: What?

Natasha: we had sex last night....

Damiano: so? Im just kissing you

Natasha:thats what you said last night silly

Damiano: ok fine i get carried by your beautiful eyes and smile...And boobs


-they laughed. After cuddling they went downstairs to make breakfast.

Damiano: imma go to the bathroom

Natasha: ok

-when he came back he hugged her from behind and kissed her head

Natasha:I love when you do this...

Damiano: i know thats why i do it

-She turned around and kissed him

Natasha:Good morning italiano

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