Sick Natasha

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-Natasha woke up sick. Her stomach hurted,her throat hurted too and her nose was runny


-she forgot that Damiano was asleep next to her

Damiano:mhhh principessa?

Natasha:oh fuck sorry Dami! I forgot!

Damiano:no problem. What is it baby? You ok?

Natasha:i think I'm sick

Damiano:Aww baby! I will make you some tea

Natasha:dont bother i will be fine

Damiano:No no baby. Today you are just relaxing and I'm helping you feel better ok?


-He checked her throat and saw that it's red

Damiano:hmmm red


-He tucked her in bed and gave her a couple of kisses

Damiano:you are not allowed to move until you feel better ok?

Natasha:Ok haha

-He gave her tea and made her pancakes for breakfast



Damiano: my little angel i love you so much

Natasha:i love you too

-He gave her her stuffed teddy and some chocolate

Natasha:Mhhh my teddy yay

-Than he pur his lips against her forehead and said

Damiano:no temperature. Good


Damiano:do you need something my love? I would do anything for you sweetheart

Natasha:Aww thanks Dami but I don't need anything now *coughs*

Damiano:hmmm so your coughing?

Natasha:a little

Damiano:Baby wanna watch Netflix and chill? I will give you vitamins too

Natasha:sure why not i love Netflix

-Damiano tucked her in the bed and gave her some vitamins. He lied next to her and wrapped her in his arms. He kissed her head a couple of times

Damiano: i *kisses* love *kisses* you

Natasha:Ti amo Dami

Damiano:My heart can't handle your cuteness


Damiano:mwaah luv you

Natasha:luv you

-They watched a film on Netflix and later he locked at Natasha. She fell asleep in his arms. he smiled and put her head on the pillow and kissed her nose

Damiano:Sleep tight my angel i will lie next to you if you need me

Natasha:g...good n...n...night

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