"I feel insecure"

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-Natasha was lying on the bed and scrolling through instagram. Damiano was in town doing some work with Thomas. While she was scrolling through her insta,she noticed that someone posted a picture of her and wrote:"Damiano's ugly gf"

Natasha's pov:Wtf? What is this?

-She read the comments on the post and all off them were hate about her body and looks

Comments(i made up the users)

Lineobivo:Eww Damiano what is this?

Damianofanpage:Ugly fat pig! Damiano leave her and find better

AngelicaIsk:Out of all the models you chose her? Don't you see what she looks like? Stupid  Serbian fool

Fiaioa:Dump her she is so ugly look at her! Find someone who deserves you!

-Tears started streaming down her face. Why would someone write this? She didn't want to say anything to Damiano and keep this hidden.

-After an hour Damiano came home and yelled:

Damiano:Im back!

-She was on the couch watching TV

Natasha:Hey Amore...

Damiano:Principessa are you upset? Did something happen?

Natasha:No,I'm just tired

Damiano:I get it. Imma go to the kitchen to eat something ok?


-For the rest of the day Natasha was ignoring him and felt very insecure about her body.

Damiano:Why aren't you talking with me? Did i do something?

Natasha:No. I told you I'm tired

Damiano:Are you sure?


-She walked upstairs and sat on the bed. She started crying softly so he couldn't hear her.

Damiano's pov:I hate seeing her sad. That breaks me.I have to find out what is wrong!

-He went to their bedroom and saw her crying

Damiano:Amore? Why are you crying


-He sat next to her and put his arm on her thigh but she removed it.

Natasha:Sorry but

-She sobbed

Damiano:Principessa you have to tell me what is it. I will solve the problem with you. We don't keep secrets my love

Natasha:Why do you love me?


Natasha:I am just too ugly for you Damiano why did you choose me? You could be with Taylor Swift if you wanted to

Damiano:Oh amore what are you talking about?

Natasha:I just saw a post on instagram with my haters and...

-She sobbed again

Damiano:Mi amore why are you doing this? I love you more than anything and your the prettiest girl in the world. Don't listen to them they are just jealous of your beauty. Your my reason to live

Natasha:Aww thanks but i still feel so fucking insecure

Damiano:About what?

Natasha:Well my tummy,nose
and thighs. Generally my whole body

Damiano:Lay down


Damiano:Lay down baby

-She laid on the bed and Damiano said:

Damiano:Why are you insecure about your nose. Its so cute and little i love to kiss it and rub my big nose against yours,like Eskimos

-She giggled

Damiano:And why are you insecure about your tummy? Its so cute! I love to put my head on it while you scratch my head or play with my hair.

-He rolled up her shirt and started kissing her tummy

Natasha:Hahaha stop silly

Damiano:And thigh insecure too? I love to swim between them *winks* they are so fucking hot and i love to grab and squeeze them

Natasha:haha i know you do

Damiano:All of your body is perfect mi amore. Don't ever compare yourself to others ok? My pretty angel

Natasha:*smiles* I wont

-He gave her a big hug and kissed her forehead and said

Damiano:Do you feel better now?

Natasha:Yes,thank you

Damiano:Anytime bellissima

-They cuddled and Natasha fell sleepy

Natasha:*yawns* i feel tired but seriously now

Damiano:Ok let's change in our PJ's and sleep

-They got changed and tucked their selfs under the blanket


-She put her head on his chest and he kissed it a couple of times

Damiano:Love you

Natasha:Love you too

-She fell asleep pretty quickly on his chest. He just pulled her even closer and said

Damiano:Sleep tight my angel *kisses her head softly*

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