Horror film

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It was a late night in Rome. Natasha and Damiano were just chilling in their house. Natasha was scrolling through TikTok while Damiano was doing some computer work.Than he closed the laptop and said:

Damiano:Babe do you wanna watch a film together?

Natasha:sure why not! We haven't watched a good film in ages.


Natasha:What is it Dami?

Damiano:Nothing i know you won't say yes

Natasha:Tell me. Cmon now I'm curious

Damiano:Would you like to watch a horror film with me? You know i get adrenaline while i watch them and it's fun! It's ok if you say no but I'm just saying what my wish is

Natasha:Uhm Damiano...I think i will get scared and I won't sleep for nights. I don't think it's a good idea


-He made a sad face and looked down. She couldn't help it and agreed to his wish

Natasha:Ugh fine! We will watch a horror film. I don't wanna make you sad so i will watch that fuck...It will scare me but I don't care anymore


Natasha:yea il watch it with you ok?

Damiano:Thank you baby

Natasha:No problem but you own me

-He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to turn the TV on

Natasha:so what will we be watching?

Damiano: oh *says film name*

Natasha:shit i saw the trailer and it's scary as fuck

Damiano:not a lot

Natasha:if you say so

-He lied next to her and said:

Damiano:i will bring a blanket and a drink

Natasha:NO! Don't leave me alone

Damiano:relax only for 2seconds

-She looked desperately at the TV screen full of fear

Natasha's pov: why did I agree to this *sighs*

Damiano:I'm back

Natasha:Great! Now don't leave me

Damiano:Don't worry i won't

-As the film started it was getting just more scary and scary

Natasha:Why is it like this?

Damiano:Cus it's a horror film baby

Natasha:That's one way to say it

Damiano:This is fun isn't it mi amore?


-The film got a few jumpscares and the moment a actor screamed at the TV screen,Natasha screamed with him

Damiano:Haha it's just a film my love

Natasha:Easyfor you to say

-The film was full of killers and murder mysteries that Natasha clearly hated

Natasha:How long is this?

Damiano:About an hour and 20minutes

-Natasha got scared and a few minutes later Damiano said:

Damiano:Imma just go get water

Natasha:No please don't leave me here alone

Damiano:relax imma be right back

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