Chapter eighteen | wedding

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I'm so nervous.I think I'm gonna faint,Emma did my makeup.

It was a simple makeup,a cat eye with a deep red lipstick,I left my hair down with a tall veil.

"Come on Eva,we should go out the ceremony will start in no time" "I'm scared Emma" "don't be honey,everything is gonna be okay I promise" she replied,giving me the bouquet of red roses.

A knock on the door made me flinch,Emma opened the door,and Arlo walked in.

"Come on little miss,everyone is waiting for you" Emma hugged me,and went out of the room.

Arlo is going to walk me down the aisle,I can't help but be thankful for him.

I'm so lucky to be a part of this family,I hooked my arm around his and we start walking out of the room.

All eyes were on me,most of the people I don't know.But I could see Conner and Dani standing at the corner weaving at me with a big smile on their faces.

We actually had a fight yesterday,because they were the last two people to know about the wedding.

I smiled back at them,I turned my head to find Armando looking at me with a soft smile on his handsome face.

He looks so freaking hot,with his black suit and tie.
We both agreed that,we are not going to have any groomsmen or bridesmaids.

Armando have a lot of good friends,and he didn't want anyone to feel left out,and I don't have anyone so it's a win win.

Finally after a few steps,l'm standing in front my man "I'm really so thankful for you Eva,Armando deserves a wife like you to put him on the line.I'm more than happy to call you my daughter" Arlo whispered,in my ear,then kissed my forehead.
He smiled at his son,and went to his seat beside Ana.

"You look so fucking beautiful witch" Armando whispered,only for me to hear "asshole" I mouthed back,he grabbed my left hand in his "you can start now Mr.priest" Armando said forcing a smile,the priest nodded.

"Now let us humbly invoke
God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony."

"Do you Armando Roy Montoya accept Evangeline May Odessa as your wife to have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart." Wow that's was a really long speech,I'm not catholic so this is all new for me.

"I do."

"Do you Evangeline May Odessa accept Armando Roy Montoya as your husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part."

"I do."

Armando left my hand to grab my ring,from his pocket.
Call me smart,I put his in one of the roses in my hand after we exchanged rings,the priest start talking again.

"In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" Armando pulled my in for a gentle kiss,his hands reached up and grabbed my face tilting it towards him.

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