Chapter seven | lake

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I've been sitting in the living room for five minutes,I don't even know why Armando brought me her.
His mother seems like a good woman tho,I can't wait to get to know her.

I can't help but wonder if this is where Armando grow up or did his parents move here recently.

I was to focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice Armando's father approaching me "hey Eva how have you been?" "I'm good thank you,what about you sir" I replied smiling at him "first of all don't call me sir call me Arlo,second of all I'm good and third of all where's that son of mine?" My smiled got wider "well Arlo they went that way" I pointed my pointer finger at the direction of where Armando and his mom went.

"I'm so happy for both of you Eva,you know when Armando called and said that he is gonna bring his girlfriend over I was shocked..." everything he said after that was blur to me.

Armando said that I'm his girlfriend.

"Cariño you are home" Armando's mom said kissing her husband on the lips and set beside him on the couch.

"Where is Armando?" I asked "he is on the phone with Nico he will join us soon" his mom answered.

After two minutes of silence his mother asked "how did you and  Armando meet Eva?" "Uh-um i..." Armando answered for me walking to the living room "remember when I want to Russia to meet Dmitry Odessa mama?" He stopped waiting for her to answer she nodded her head and he continued talking "Eva is his daughter,she came with me to take care of some business for her father."

He set beside me putting his arm around my shoulder "and how did you became together in such a short amount of time?" Armando's mom asked again glaring at her son I couldn't help myself but laugh at that "we are not together Ms.Montoya" she stood up and point her finger on Armando's face "YOU..." "mom before you even finish your sentence,I didn't lie to you okay,you assumed that I'm bringing my girlfriend home and ended the phone call to excited to tell papa."

Arlo was chuckling silently behind his wife "I told you mi amor there's definitely a miss understanding" that's not what he told me earlier "yeah yeah,you told me but don't blame me your son is twenty four years old and doesn't even have a girlfriend in his age you had a four years old toddler."

So Armando's parent had him at a young age,I can't help but wonder if he has any other siblings.

"do you guys have other children?" I asked "we wanted to give Armando a brother or a sister but in my pregnancy with him I had some issues that caused me to have a hysterectomy after I gave birth" "I'm so sorry i didn't mean to interfere."

"no it's okay cariño,I have a feeling that you gonna be a Montoya soon" she winked at me and I shock on my saliva.

"MAMA!" armando yelled pulling me closer to him,if he is thinking that he is proving his mother wrong with his actions he is doing the opposite.

"okay okay,how about you show Eva where you both are gonna sleep tonight" "mama we are not staying over" "don't make me mad Armando,you both are staying here tonight It's the least you can do to please your old mother" "come on mama you are not that old" he looked at his father begging him with his eyes for some help "you need to listen to your mama hijo go show Eva your room" he smirked at his son.

Armando got up taking my hand In his,I followed his steps to his room.the house was so beautiful from the inside and the outside,this is the type of house that you can call home it's warm.

On the way to Armando's room I noticed a lot of pictures hanging on the corridor wall,picture of a younger Arlo holding baby Armando in his arms kissing his cheek so cute.Another picture of baby Armando laughing with Ms.Montoya's head buried in his neck.

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