Chapter 2: progress report 2 march 6th

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progris riport 2-martch 6

I had a test today. I think I faled it. and I think that maybe now they wont )
use me. What happind is a nice young man was in the room and he had some 19
white cards with ink spillled all over them. He sed Charlie what do you see t-
on this card. I was very skared even tho I had my rabits foot in my pockit ,/I
because when I was a kid I always faled tests in school and I spillled ink to.
I told him I saw a inkblot. He said yes and it made me feel good. I thot
n that was all but when I got up to go he stopped me. He said now sit down
d Charlie we are not thru yet. Then I dont remember so good but he wan tid me
to say what was in the ink. I dint see nuthing in the ink but he said there was
picturs there other pepul saw some picturs. I coudnt see any picturs. I reely
tryed to see. I held the card close up and then far away. Then I said if 1 had
my glases I coud see better I usally only ware my glases in the movies or TV
but 1 said they are in the closh in the hall. I got them. Then I said let me see
that card agen I bet III find it now.
I tryed hard but I still coudnt find the picturs I only saw the ink. 1 told
him maybe 1 need new glases. He rote somthing down on a paper and I got
skared of faling the test. I told him it was a very nice inkblot with littel points
all around the eges. He looked very sad so that wasnt it. I said please let me
try agen. III get it in a few minits becaus 1m not so fast somtimes. 1m a slow
reeder too in Miss Kinnians class for slow adults but I'm trying very hard.
He gave me a chance with another card that had 2 kinds of ink spilled
on it red and blue.
He was very nice and talked slow like Miss Kinnian does and he ex-
planed it to me that it was a raw shok. He said pepul see things in the ink.
I said show me where. He said think. I told him I think a inkblot but that
wasnt rite eather. He said what does it remind you-pretend something. 1
closd my eyes for a long time to pretend. I told him I pretend a fowntan pen
with ink leeking all over a table cloth. Then he got up and went out.
I dont think I passd the raw shok test.

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