Chapter 4: progress report 4 march 8th

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progris riport 4-Mar 8

Their going to use me! 1m so exited I can hardly write. Dr Nemur and Dr
Strauss had a argament about it first. Dr Nemur was in the office when Dr
Strauss brot me in. Dr Nemur was worryed about using me but Dr Strauss
told him Miss Kinnian rekemmended me the best from all the people who she
was teaching. I like Miss Kinnian becaus shes a very smart teacher. And she
said Charlie your going to have a second chance. If you volenteer for this experamenl you mite get smart. They dont know if it will be perminint but
theirs a chance. Thats why I said ok even when I was scared because she said
it was an operashun. She said dont be scared Charlie you done so much with
so little I think you deserv it most of all.
So I got scaird when Dr Nemur and Dr Strauss argud about it. Dr Strauss
said I had something that was very good. He said I had a good motor-vation.
I never even knew I had that. I felt proud when he said that not every body
with an eye-q of 68 had that thing. I dont know what it is or where I got it
but he said Algernon had it too. Algernons motor-vation is the cheese they put
in his box. But it cant be that because I didnt eat any cheese this week.
Then he told Dr Nemur something I dint understand so while they were
talking I wrote down some of the words.
He said Dr Nemur I know Charlie is not what you had in mind as the
first of your new brede of intelek,Hr (coudnt get the word) superman. But most
people of his low menr"'* are host~d' and uncoop'~~' they are usualy dull
apath,'0': and hard to reach. He has a good natcher hes intristed and eager to
Dr Nemur said remember he will be the first human beeng ever to have
his intelijence trippled by surgicle meens.
Dr Strauss said exakly. Look at how well hes lerned to read and write
for his low mentel age its as grate an acheve H as you and I lerning einstines
therey of **vity without help. That shows the intenss motor-vation. Its com-
parat** a tremen~d' achev~d' I say we use Charlie.
I dint get all the words and they were talking to fast but it sounded like
Dr Strauss was on my side and like the other one wasnt.
Then Dr Nemur nodded he said all right maybe your right. We will use
Charlie. When he said that I got so exited I jumped up and shook his hand
for being so good to me. I told him thank you doc you wont be sorry for giving
me a second chance. And I mean it like I told him. After the operashun 1m
gonna try to be smart. 1m gonna try awful hard.

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