Stupid Edward

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My headaches have been getting worse. I've had little headaches ever since I woke up, they got a bit worse when the Cullens showed up. Now that Bella's here, it's gotten harder to pay attention to teachers. Except for the classes I have the Cullen's in. I stared at the back of Alice's head in Art. Should I stop avoiding her? - Why did I start again? I don't avoid the other Cullens...but the others can't see my future decisions. I flinched at the stabbing sensation in the back of my head. I got up, as I shuffled my feet over to Alice and I laid my forehead on her shoulder, she jumped slightly in surprise. Everyone stopped talking, and I had a hunch they were all staring at us.

"Are you alright Artemis? Do you need to go to the Nurse's office?" Mr. Hammond asked, approaching us.

"I'm good. Alice is comfy." I said, keeping my eyes closed. I give up. Head hurts too much.

"I don't have a problem with her leaning on me Mr. Hammond!" Alice said cheerfully.

I'm pretty sure if she had a tail, it would be wagging. It should be fine...I just need to be more careful. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll fine. I just need to not go play Baseball.


Crap! Fucking Shit! I bit down on my lip as I squeezed my eyes shut at the pain. Fuck you, Edward! You firkin' jerk! He pushed me back, but not far - or quick enough and I got smashed between Bella's truck and Tyler's van.

"Artemis!" Bella screamed in fear,

I flinched as she put her hand on my shoulder, she moved back quickly, I could hear mixed shouting of people telling Tyler to reverse and others telling him to not move the van. I tilted my head back and let out a shaky breath, it hurt, and I wanted to scream again but I kept it in. I didn't want to make Tyler feel any worse than he does now.

"Tyler, when we tell you to, back up." an EMT said, as he took my pulse.

When did they get here? I tilted my head to the side and back to look at the Fire Fighter that wrapped their arms under my arms and around my chest in a hold.

"This is going to hurt a lot Artemis; but you need to stay conscious." the Fire Fighter said, giving me a pitiful smile.

The EMT counted down, but Tyler backed up on two and I couldn't keep myself from screaming in pain. My cheek was slapped a few times once I was lowered, I looked up at the EMT, his mouth moving as I was laid on a stretcher and rushed into the Ambulance. Right...I need to stay awake.

"...Bella..." I muttered, before an oxygen mask was placed over my nose and mouth.

I turned my head to the side, smiling a little when I saw it was Bella that squeezed my hand. She came with...why wouldn't she? I'm tired...I hate having to stay awake. I glared at the EMT, he raised an eyebrow before looking at Bella, he chuckled and shook his head at me.

"We're almost there Artemis, you'll be able to rest soon." he said,

I gave him a thumb up, glad that I was able to hear again. Once we stopped, I was loaded off and Carlisle met us at the door. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"You're going to be okay Artemis, good job staying awake. Just a little longer," Carlisle said reassuringly,

I glared at him, can't these people let me pass out already. Everything hurts. Ah fuck it. I'm not going to die. I closed my eyes; I could hear two people yell at me to stay awake. Shut up. It's not like I'm vomiting blood.


"I'm pretty sure an Ambulance isn't supposed to be used this way," I told the EMT, as he and the other EMT drove me to Harry & Sue's place.

Charlie was driving in front of the Ambulance with my stuff in the back of his cruiser. I was going to be staying with them for few weeks, Charlie wouldn't be able to take a lot of time off to take care of me, Bella couldn't stay home from school for long, and I didn't want her to miss any school anyway. Plus, Leah would be home most of the time and Sue was a nurse, so she would be better at changing my bandages then Bella would.

"How are you feeling?" Charlie asked, as he opened the back of the Ambulance.


"You have a welcoming committee." Charlie smiled a little, as the EMT rolled me out of the Ambulance.

Embry, Jacob, Quil, Billy, Quil Sr. Leah, Seth and Sue were waiting on the porch for me. Great. The former three were snickering as I glared at them.

"You're sure this is, okay?" Charlie asked, as he looked at me, then over to Harry and Sue.

"Charlie. Don't worry, we don't mind at all. It will be nice to spend some time with Little Arty," Harry chuckled,

"Has it been that long?" I frowned, thinking of when the last time I came here for a visit.

"No. It's only been a week," Sue shook her head, giving Harry a look.

"Alright...let me know if anything comes up." Charlie said, nodding his head.

"Don't leave with my stuff!" I hollered back at him,

"We'll grab 'em!" Embry said, rushing off after Charlie. Quil and Jacob trailing after them.

"I can show you where to put her," Leah said, turning and going up the steps.

I smiled a little, as they lifted me up the steps. The EMT's helped me get in bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I didn't realize I was so tired.

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