-Six Weeks-
I was floating on my back, looking up at the blue sky. It was a surprisingly lovely day for April; It wasn't freezing cold either. Charlie made me come with him; he was worried about me since I wasn't going out anymore. I went straight home after school and hid in my room. That was partially because I was physically exhausted. On the other, I was always mentally tired. I didn't want to deal with any of this anymore.
"Arty! Time for Food!" Charlie hollered from the beach,
That meant everyone was here. I was not looking forward to that, but Charlie wanted me to come, and he was worried. I started back stroking towards the beach; when I got there, Charlie was holding a towel out with a small smile.
"Thank you for coming," Charlie said, wrapping the towel around my shoulders.
"Well, the nice chilly water helped the scars," I said as I walked with him to the bonfire where everyone was.
"I noticed," Charlie muttered,
"You went swimming?! Why can't I go!" Claire whined, pouting up at Quil.
"Because I have to go into the cold water occasionally. See these owies?" I said, moving the towel to the point at the claw scars on my stomach.
"Uh-huh." she pouted, lightly touching the ones on my thigh.
"They burn sometimes, so the cold water helps a lot! They don't hurt that much anymore," I told her, giving her a soft smile.
"Does it need kisses?" she asked, looking up at me with bright eyes.
"They don't help, hun, not for these. But thank you. I appreciate the sentiment." I put my hand on her head and gave her a soft smile.
"Want to build a sandcastle with me?" she asked, grinning brightly at me.
"...I would love to,"
She grinned brightly, grabbing my hand; she told Quil to stay before dragging me away to go near the water to start building a sandcastle. We spent thirty minutes building a medium-sized sandcastle; I noticed Quil sulking by Embry and the other guy before Sue came over with a plate with three hot dogs.
"Hey Claire, can you give me and Artemis a minute? Quil can help you make a hot dog," Sue gave Claire a soft smile.
"Okay!" she nodded and ran off, yelling to Quil that she was hungry.
"Happy Birthday, Sue," I gave her a soft smile,
"Charlie's worried about you...I overheard him tell Billy and Quil Sr. you haven't been eating much," she said, passing me the plate of hot dogs.
"I know...I'm trying not to. I'm okay, Sue," I said, taking the plate and eating a hot dog.
"You look thinner and more pale. Have you been to the doctor lately?" she asked, sitting on the sand with me.
"I've been talking with Carlisle. I'm okay." I said, eating the other two hot dogs quickly before standing up.
"Artemis...I-" Sue started,
"Sue. I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me or feel bad...I'm going to get dressed." I said, before walking away, going to Charlie's cruiser to grab my bag to change clothes.
"How are you feeling kiddo?" Charlie asked, after I finished putting clothes on over my swimsuit.
"A bit tired, otherwise I'm okay." I shrugged, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Want to head home?" he asked, looking at me in worry.
"I'm okay Dad. I'm going to take a nap," I said, pointing to the back of the cruiser, where I already had a make-shift bed ready.
"Okay. I'm not going to stay too much longer," he reassured me, before kissing my forehead and going back over to Billy and Sue.
I crawled into the back and closed the door, curling up in the blankets I fell asleep quickly.

I've Become Artemis Swan - Being Re-Written
FanfictionI don't know why I'm here. All I know is that I don't want to go through what I put her through. Wish me luck!! --- There is going to be cussing! Plus, Bad Habits Twilight - Breaking Dawn pt. 2 The cover is drawn by EmaLeeDrawsart you can find her o...