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"I won't be long," I told Harry,

"...Why don't you hang out here for a while? Call me when you're ready to come back," Harry asked,

"Because if I stay any longer, I'll probably end up staying the night," I said, sweatdropping. Sue almost caught Paul yesterday morning. He ended up falling asleep.

"I won't tell Charlie," Harry winked at me,

"I'll ask Emily...if he finds out, he'll kill Paul first. Then go for Sam...probably, I don't think he'll go for Emily..." I hummed, thinking about it.

"Go." Harry chuckled,

I leaned over and kissed his cheek before getting out and walking up the door. Before I could knock, Emily threw the door open with a big smile.

"It's good to see you again! The boys are out at the moment. They'll be back soon. Kim, Jared's girlfriend's here." Emily said, stepping aside to let me in.

"Hi, Artemis," Kim waved from the couch,

"Hi, um...nice to meet you?" I said, standing in the doorway nervously,

What else am I supposed to say?

"Come sit. What do you think of Paul?" Emily asked, sitting on the other end of the couch and patting the spot between her and Kim.

I went over and sat between them. I leaned back into the couch. I wonder if they're listening.

"What's the first word that comes to mind?" Kim asked, sharing a look with Emily.

"Before he got muscles and bigger," Emily added,

I hummed as I thought back on it before he cut his hair. Before he got muscles.

"Adorable. Especially when he got annoyed," I smiled a little,

Honestly. Even if he never phased, he'd be attractive. Though, I doubt I would have dated him. He's younger than me.

"Fucking shit," I said, sitting up.

"Are you okay? What hurts?" Emily asked, glancing at the front door.

"Nothing. Just realized he's sixteen. No, remembered he's sixteen." I said, plopping back onto the couch.

"And? Sam's 19." Emily said, her smile twitched.

I didn't have a response to that. She's more than two years older than him.

"Plus, you're not dating, are you?" Kim asked, smirking at me

"Point taken."

"Would you?" Emily asked,

"Would she what?" Sam asked, coming in with Jared and Paul behind him.

Emily glared at him, and Kim smiled brightly at Jared. I got up and went over to Paul.

"Hi. Didn't know you were coming over," Paul said, stiffening. Jared snickered at him.

"Forgot something, made a promise," I said, holding out my pinkie.

"You came all the way over to hook pinkies," Sam said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah." I looked at him, giving him a 'duh' look,

Paul hooked his pinkie with mine, giving it a tight squeeze before letting go.

"I came to do what I needed to," I said, not sure what else to do.

"Are you heading back home tonight?" Sam asked,

"Tomorrow Morning. Harry's going to bring me to school,"

"So you're here for another night. When's Harry going to pick you up?" Emily asked, an odd look on her face.

"Whenever I text him, I told him I wasn't going to be long, but," I shrugged, why doesn't my brain work?

"This is ridiculous! Paul likes you. Do something!" Jared shouted at me, then went over to the couch and sat down, pulling Kim onto his lap.

"Jared!" Emily and Kim snapped at him,

I blinked a few times. What? I looked over at Paul. He was tense, glaring at Jared and shaking.

"Paul-" Sam started, glaring at Paul.

"Okay," I said, cutting off Sam.

I turned around, grabbed Paul's face, yanked him down, and planted a big kiss on his cheek. I turned around, marched over to Emily, and hugged her, hiding my face in her neck.

"Paul?" Emily asked, giggling as she hugged me.

"...You broke him," Sam said, amusement in his tone.

"I don't know what to do," I muttered against Emily's neck.

"How about you and Paul go on a walk? Be back in time for dinner, and Sam will let Harry know you will be staying the night." Emily said, patting my back.

"...Kay..." I said, not letting her go.

"You're going to have to let go," Kim giggled as she unwrapped my arms from Emily.

I was ushered out the door. Paul was already outside, sitting on the steps. I smacked my cheeks, going down the steps.

"At times. You break my brain," I said, looking down at Paul.

"Yeah," Paul said, getting up and holding his hand out to me.

I took it, and we started walking. It was a quiet walk; he seemed lost in thought but wouldn't let go of my hand. He would squeeze it every so often, and I would squeeze right back.

"I've liked you for a long time before I started working out and cut my hair," Paul said once we got to the beach.

"I don't...want to admit it. But you should know the truth, and I didn't think of you...romantically until you cut your hair." I said, flinching at the thought.

I'm pretty shallow. But, no! No excuses. I yelped in surprise when he kissed me. I groaned when he grabbed the back of my head to deepen the kiss.  I placed my hands on his chest, hesitating before wrapping them around his neck and pressing my body against his.

I gasped when he pulled away, taking in air.

"Don't. Don't think that," Paul said, putting his forehead on mine.

"Can't help it. Hey Paul, can you," I said, looking down at his chest. Which was a mistake as he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"I can talk about a lot of things, like how beautiful you are when you laugh or blush," Paul said,

"About you, dumbass," I grumbled, pushing him away.

I stuck my tongue out at him, a big grin on his face. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. He pulled me onto the beach and over to a log. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap; before I could sit next to him, he started telling me about his favorite color, food. He started telling me about himself. Though, what he didn't tell me about, was his family.

I've Become Artemis Swan - Being Re-WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now