New Moon

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"Assholes!" I screamed, hugging myself as I stepped over a tree root.

I've been walking through the woods for hours, looking for Bella. I hoped to find her before Dad noticed, and a search party had to be formed. Or worse. Victoria showed up. She left me flowers at the hospital. I hadn't seen the Cullens or anyone from the Reservation since I woke up in the hospital and went through physical therapy. 

"Ouch, that hurts," Jared said from behind me,

"Not you. wouldn't happen to know where Bella is, would you?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"Sam's got her. You want a piggyback ride or carried?" Jared asked, coming over to me.

"I can walk."

"You're shaking. It'll be faster to carry you," Jared said, scooping me up into his arms.

" is he?" I asked, laying my head on Jared's shoulder.

"Scared. Balmes himself...heard you don't remember what happened." Jared said,

"What about you." I looked up at him,

"What about me?" he raised an eyebrow,

"Do you think he's to blame?"

He didn't say anything and clenched his jaw, keeping his face forward and not looking at me.

"I probably deserved it. Females are more prone to attack, especially when cubs are involved...Paul wasn't home. I'm glad he wasn't." I said, smiling a little.

I lied about not remembering anything. I remember what happened, pieces of it. I skipped school and went to Paul's place to threaten his Dad, who was drunk, and it wasn't even noon. I remember Paul coming in, his dad on top of me, and my shirt was ripped. I went after him, not sure how I got Paul's dad off. I tried calming Paul down and then pain. I remember hearing gunshots and sirens.

The rest of the walk was quiet. I closed my eyes and listened. Jared's heart was beating fast, but he was relaxed. I could hear footsteps behind us. Paul?

"How is she?" Sam asked,

"Cold...Charlie, bring Bella inside?" I asked, opening my eyes and looking at Sam.

"Yeah. I told him I would bring you inside. He's upset with Billy and Harry," Sam said, looking over to where the two were.

Jacob, Embry, and Quil were with them too. They were the only ones still here.

"Why?" I frowned, not seeing a clear reason.

" shouldn't come to the reservation anymore." Sam sighed,

"Okay...tell Paul something for me, though," I said, looking up at Jared.

"Depends on what you're going to say." Jared shrugged, passing me over to Sam.

"If he wants to break up, he has to tell me in person. Not through you two or anyone else." I said, glaring at Billy and Harry.

"Artemis, that was dangerous," Billy said as we got closer, flinching at my glare. Jared walking behind us.

I ignored him and looked over to a truck that pulled up and then over to Charlie, who came down the steps.

"Artemis, are you okay?" Charlie asked,

"Perfect." I gave him an okay with my hand,

"John. When did you get back in town?" Harry asked as he stepped out of his truck.

"Yesterday...heard what happened. Figured I'd bring some stuff by," John said, giving me a tight smile when I glared at him.

He opened the back and took out a box.

"Charlie said you liked doing art. A Thank you, and there's warm soup. My... ex-wife's recipe." John said, glancing behind us. Paul's here...

"A thank you for what?" Paul asked, moving to stand by Sam.

"I would like to know that too. No one's told me anything." I said, raising my hand up.

"I don't remember a whole lot. I was drunk. Just know that I should be thanking you," John said with an apologetic smile.

"If you weren't drunk, you could have shot the bear," Paul said, his arms crossed.

"...Probably...I'll get going..." John said after handing Charlie the soup.

"I'll drop the pot off in a few days. Maybe tomorrow." Charlie said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm...I'll say by tomorrow night," I said, one eye closed as I made a frame with my fingers, looking at the pot.

"Glutton~" Embry snickered at me,

"Hey, I've got to enjoy my metabolism while I can. You should, too." I smirked at him,

"It's getting late. We should all be getting home." Harry said, hand on Embry's and Billy's shoulders.

"I'm cold," I said, putting my hands on Sam's cheeks.

He glared down at me, and I smirked.

"I'll bring her up," Paul said, stepping in front of Sam with his arms out, looking Sam dead in the eyes.

"He's allowed to stay the night," Charlie said, walking past us and inside.

"Oooh-ouch," Jacob, Quil, and Embry started, but they got smacked by Harry and Billy.

Sam sighed as he passed me over. I crossed my arms as Paul tightened his grip on me and went inside. He didn't say anything as he walked up the stairs and to my room. He laid me on my bed, but I sat up. I wasn't going to sleep in my clothes. But he didn't move.

"...does it hurt?" Paul asked, the question barely audible, even with me sitting in front of him.

"Not as often as I thought they would. Certain areas hurt more than others," I shrugged, leaning back on my arms as I looked up at him.

Why is he still here? Seeing as they're making him stay away from me, I'm not his Imprint. He did not say anything for a minute or two; he just stood there with his hands clenched into tight fists as he looked at the scars that were visible. I sighed and stood up, grabbing his face in my hands and moving my head to look into his eyes.

"Paul. You could break my ribs or leave me all bruised. Hell, you could cut me up. I would never be mad at you. I will never hate you." I said, smiling a little.

"You're going to have those for the rest of your life," Paul said, clenching his hands into fists.

"And? Not the first scars I've received and definitely won't be the last," I raised an eyebrow at him.

He tensed up, jaw clenching tightly. I went on my tip toes and pecked his nose.

"Go home, Paul, or Stay. I'll respect whatever you decide; however, if someone else is forcing you to leave, or telling you it's better for you to stay away from me. I'll go do something stupid and probably get myself killed." I shrugged, letting him go and going to my dresser to get pajamas.

Paul left. Okay. It''s going to be okay...though, I probably should have broken up with him here. To prevent hurting him later down the road.

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