A Movie

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'One Month Later'

I raised an eyebrow at Jake and Bella when I walked out of the bathroom.

"You weren't the only one that felt like throwing up." Jake scoffed,

"Horror movies scare me." I frowned at him,

"Then why come." he snapped, glaring at me.

"Because I was told to." I glared right back at him.

Charlie had been worried about me since I hadn't been going out much, and he learned of my breakup with Paul. Since then, I have started a bad smoking habit three weeks ago, which did help Charlie's worrying.

"Um...I think I'm going to go home..." Mike said, coming over to us.

Jake got pissed and called Mike a weakling before he stormed off. Bella yelled at him for being a Jerk. I groaned and ran after him.

"Jake, stop...Jacob!" I snapped when he didn't listen.

"Leave me the hell alone!" he snapped, turning and glaring at me.

"Let me give you a ride. It's dark and late, plus, you don't look too hot." I said, glaring right back at him.

"...fine," he grumbled,

I went over to my bike and climbed on, starting it up I passed him my helmet. He scowled but put it on. He got on and wrapped his arms around my waist. I frowned. He's burning up. Damnit. No. I knew this was going to happen. It's fine. I'll spend time with Quil as much as I can as I should have with Jake. I kicked the stand up and took off, doing a quick U-turn and going to the reservation.

As soon as I stopped in front of his house, he took off the helmet and shoved it at me before storming inside and slamming the door. Oh, for fucks sake. I parked and sat my helmet down; I stormed over as Billy opened the door.

"What happened?" Billy asked,

"He got mad because his date with Bella was ruined...I think he's sick. I'm going to yell at him first before I leave." I said, slipping past Billy. I don't care that he's sick. He doesn't need to take it out on me.

"Artemis, wait!" Billy shouted,

I heard Billy pick up the phone while I made my way down the hall; I threw open Jake's door, and he was on the floor groaning in pain. Damnit. Now, I can't yell at him. I went over to him as Billy came to the door.

"Jacob!" Billy called out in worry,

"It hurts..." Jacob groaned,

"I called Harry. He and Sam are on their way to help. Artemis, you should go before you catch it." Billy said; I could tell he was anxious.

I should go. I haven't seen Sam since the beach. I looked at Billy and then back to Jacob. I groaned at how pitiful he looked.

"I'm going to get him on the bed first...come on, dumbass, work with me," I said, grunting as I hooked his arm around my shoulder and got him to his feet.

"Sorry...for...throwing..." Jacob muttered, leaning on me.

"Don't-shit!" I freaked out as I fell to the ground because Jacob was leaning his full weight on me. I groaned in pain.

"Billy!" Harry hollered in worry.

"In his room!" Billy hollered back.

"Artemis?" Harry said, confused.

I tilted my head back to look at him, giving him a sheepish smile. Sam and Jared were behind him. I quickly looked away. Damnit. Well, at least Paul's not here...though. Even if he had come, I doubt he would have come inside after smelling that I was there. 

"What are you doing here?" Jared asked as he came over. Eyebrow raised.

"Brought him home and was going to yell at him for being a jerk. Tried dragging him to bed. He's heavy." I said, being brief.

Sam came over, and they both picked him up; Jacob groaned in pain, but he didn't wake up. I got to my feet and looked at Jacob with a frown.

"If my helmet has a scratch on it, he owes me three free oil changes," I said as I looked at Billy.

"I will let him know. Get home safe." Bill said, nodding his head in agreement.

"Will do." I gave him a small salute as I left. Paul was standing by my bike with his arms crossed.

I slowed down, raising an eyebrow at him as I got closer.

"I'm sorry. For hurting you," he said, pointing at his own neck.

"That wasn't you. It's healed." I shrugged, sticking on my helmet as I climbed onto my bike.

"...How are you doing?" Paul asked, grabbing my bike handle to keep me from leaving.

"I'm fine. It is not of your concern anymore, so you don't need to worry about me. Can I go now?" I said, looking at Paul as I flipped up my visor.

"Sorry," Paul said, letting go and stepping back.

I flipped my visor back down, before starting up my bike and taking off, going home.

I've Become Artemis Swan - Being Re-WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now