I will never see anyone in this world again

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More than half a month has passed. On my birthday, Riki did not appear all day. This is undoubtedly the best birthday gift for me.After hanging the needle, I stuffed the painkiller into my mouth and was ready to sleep.

The door was pushed open again.

"Happy birthday, Ryu." Riki seemed to come in a hurry, holding a huge ugly birthday cake in his hand.

I sat up from the bed and stared into his eyes.

"I already don't celebrate birthday."

The light in the ward was turned off by me. In the dark room,

I said lightly,"After you get along with Songyun, I celebrate my birthday alone every year. Without your gifts, blessings, and even every time you take Songyun abroad."

I blinked and looked out of the window. The moon was very round.

"Why do you think I care so much? Have you sent me gifts and blessings? I think you should know the best that you have become my only one since the day we left my hometown."

Riki didn't hold the cake properly and fall to the ground.

"Why do I always say that you have a bad memory? Because you always forget the promise you gave me, do you remember what my wish for my 18th birthday?"

Riki had a lump and said,"I forgot."

I laughed twice and was not disappointed from his answer. "Eighteen years old, you celebrated my birthday in Karaoke and gave me a ring. My birthday wish that year was related to the ring, I wanted to have a home that belongs to us."

"I regret it so much, Riki." My throat is sore.

I bit my lower lip and didn't cry. [My birthday wish this year, I hope we can going back to the past. From the moment you asked me my name, I turned around and left you behind."

As the days went by,Riki and Soomin inevitably met. They were talking about something outside. I didn't seem to hear it very seriously.

"The doctor said that Ryu's condition is getting more and more serious, maybe couldn't survive the winter."

Riki's voice doesn't seem to fluctuate, "I know."

It seems that I'm going to die in winter. I got up from bed, slowly went into the bathroom and locked the door. Looking at myself in the mirror, I tried to squeeze out a smile.I raised my face slightly and it was a little wet.I couldn't tell whether it was rain drop or tears on my face.

The beautiful and ethereal face is bloody pale and weak.It's ugly. It's really ugly. I quickly wiped off the tears of laughter, sucked my nose and touched the wig on the top of my head

"I thought I was prepared, how could I still be afraid?"

It's exactly the same as what Dr. Sim said. My condition worsened , I get into the emergency room that night, and the pain was far beyond the limit I could bear.

In the dead of night, after the anesthesia retreated, I woke up, looked at Soomin, who was accompanying the bed next to me, and trembled

"Soomin, I don't want to cure it anymore..."

"No." What I didn't expect was that Riki was on the sofa next to her.

"The doctor said that you are in poor health now. Wait until you get better before having an operation."

I didn't have time to quarrel with him. I just asked,

"Then, will I be fine? "

"At least you can live a few more days."

The voice becomes quieter.

Oh, I understand.

It will be painful for another period of time.

After two days, I showed some signs of improvement,  I directly rushed to the doctor's office,

"Dr. Sim, please  approve me to leave the hospital."

Riki rushed in and grabbed my wrist hard

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"What about you?" I shook off his hand, "How am I now,does it have any relation with you? Riki, don't forget that we already divorced."

He couldn't say anything to refute me for a long time, and finally stared at me,

"Ryu, I don't want to..."

"Do you have any qualification? When you hurt me, do you asked me if I wanted to? Does it hurt? Don't be so selfish Riki, especially in front of me, a dying person."

I act like I was going to vomit.

"Don't disgust me. It's unlucky enough to be harassed by you in my life. Don't be such a bastard."

Riki didn't expect that I was so disgusted with him. He didn't say anything and turned around and went out.

It didn't appear for the next few days. I looked at the sunshine outside the window, I really hope I can live a few more months.The good times didn't last long. In less than a week, he came to me again.

"What are you doing here again?"

"Ms Park sent me a message saying that she wanted to see you."

I got angry all of a sudden and almost pushed him on the ground,

"You told her?"

"No, she said that she saw you sitting in the garden of hospital last time, and she asked Dr. Sim before she knew that you were sick."

My heart was blocked and I couldn't speak for a long time.

"I'm going to see her.",I said.

With Dr. Sim's approval, I took the car to the school. Riki followed, and I couldn't drive him away.

I didn't have the courage to go in at the door. I really didn't know how to face Ms Park. For me, she was like my mother and a very close person.

"Don't be afraid." Riki came from behind and stood on the side which close to my heart.

It seems to recall me the day we were caught by his parents on a date before. He also held me at that time and said the same, "Don't be afraid"

I remember that he married me despite his parents' opposition, and even broke up with everyone in his family for me.

One night, I hugged him and asked, "Will you regret it?"

"I don't regret anything I do for you."

The next year, we got married without the blessings of our relatives, but only inviting friends.

I remember that day, I was very happy. There will never be such happiness again.

"Let's go."

He followed in my footsteps.There hasn't been much change here.

"The tree is still there." His voice sounded in my ear, and I looked at it. It was the locust tree,

"Ryu, do you still remember..."

I didn't say anything for a long time. I turned my head and found that his eyes were red again. I find a stone bench to sit down.Looking at the scene of the flower blooming, I feel much more comfortable.

When Ms Park came to see me, she said an incomplete sentence sadly,

"Girl....why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ms Park used to like to call me so kindly. I used to run over with a smile and tell her what interesting things happened here today.

But now, I don't have the strength,

"I'm afraid you will worried about me."

I don't know whether it was my illness that made Ms Park sad, or what I said that made her sad. She couldn't help wiping her tears. This is the first time I feel that I'm about to leave this world.

I will never see anyone in this world again.

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