The many vast forests of the state of Washington are a very dark and mysterious place. Despite being a full moon with stars in the sky, the forest trees create a canopy over the earth, preventing any light from seeping through. The forest floor is cast in an inky darkness, difficult to navigate with the many underbrush and fallen autumn leaves. The only sound heard for miles could be the rustling of the leaves dancing together on the branches and the soft crackling of the wood as the trees sway and breathe in the wind. The forest was mysterious, but it was alive, especially at night when the city folk were away and caught up in the bustling cities and constant population; they didn't know how busy and active all living things were in these mysterious forests that were barely explored.
Loud thumping on the sloppy mud, padded feet galloping between the maze of trees like a heartbeat to give the forest life. The inhumane speed and deep vibrations even send the biggest and scariest animals away with tails between their legs. Humans had no idea of their existence, of who really ruled the forest floors and mountain tops with all their strength and speed. It was the wolves, werewolves, to be exact. They were so good at hiding their existence that they rarely met other packs of wolves, learning to disguise themselves from the rest of the world and only coming out at night. However, these wolves lived mainly as humans; they used their wolf forms to track the enemy, an impending fate they were waiting to meet.
Three giants raced across the land, even through this darkness, all-knowing of the familiarity of these woods, their woods. The sloshing of wet mud and sticky leaves digging underneath thick claws and rough feet as they push themselves off the ground to trot faster with each shove. They huffed loud puffs, a haze of fog leaving snouts with hot breath coming in contact with the night's cold air. Green glowing eyes of the biggest one, rapidly scanning his surroundings as he continues at a remarkable speed, leaving the other two behind to follow. He was searching for something with haste, tracking its scent as if on the hunt for his known next meal. Long tufts of black hair, hints of brown shining like silk with the little glow of moonlight that peaked through the trees. Hair flowed with the cool breeze as he galloped through each twist and turned around giant logs of dead trees and random boulders that had fallen from the mountainside.
As if a loud bang echoed within the darkness, the wolf came to a sudden halt; paws shoved into the mud to stop his movements. This made the other two wolves topple one another as they tried to stop themselves beside him. The halt was unexpected, and they didn't have much time to decide to quit. Brown wet snout scrunched with every deep inhale, searching for the scent that grabbed his attention. A low, deep growl rumbled through the giant as he sniffed a sharp boulder left with streaks of the familiar thick red metallic-smelling liquid and a ball of torn brownish-red fur. The other wolf, not as big as this one, had silver hair lace with pure white, watched in wonder with blue eyes glancing at the clue left on the rock. His fur was so white that it seemed to glow against the contrast of darkness surrounding him.