Donald and Stephan Talk

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Both Stephan and Gray walked side-by-side. Stephan was a surprisingly fast walker, considering he was using a cane.

Donald sat on the bench in front of the body of water, eating his bar of dark chocolate.

Stephan and Donald made direct eye contact.

Donald felt a strange sense of deja vu.

The look in Stephan's eyes was similar to the look Gray had when he finally began opening up to him.

Donald could tell Stephan was not a simple individual.

From what Donald gathered from Gray's middle school past , it seems like Stephan hides his intellect and doesn't flaunt it.

Donald didn't look away from Stephan, and he stood up. He began walking towards Stephan, saving him from the process of walking up the stairs.

The two were now on equal footing, with Gray standing beside Stephan.

Gray was nervous about how things would play out.

"Relax; I'm not going to hurt him," Donald said, noticing Gray's agitation.

"It's okay, Gray." Stephan smiled.

"I'd like to speak with him, alone." Donald said.

Gray froze.

Donald wanted to see who Stephan really was, and he wouldn't be able to do that if Gray was hovering over them.

"I would like that too," Stephan agreed.

Gray turned to face Stephan, shocked at his willingness.

Although Gray was against it, he couldn't do anything to stop them from speaking.

Gray nodded and turned around, walking to the lake and staring into the dark water.

"Now then," Donald began, now focusing his full attention on Stephan.

Stephan tensed up. He felt nervous but couldn't let it show. Based on Donald's demeanor alone, he could tell he was someone powerful who demanded respect.

'How could Gray deal with someone like this every day?' Stephan thought.

"Let's head up to the bench, shall we?" Donald asked.

Stephan nodded, slowly making his way up the stairs with his cane.

Donald didn't offer any assistance. He felt like it would be an insult to Stephan, who was capable, to offer him help with a simple task.

Stephan appreciated this. When he was at the hospital, he felt too pampered. Everyone tried to make Stephan depend on them, forgetting Stephan was capable of basic functions on his own.

Stephan sat down first. Donald sat down right after him.

"So-" Stephan was about to begin the conversation but was swiftly cut off.

"Did you instruct that kid to create that device that interfered with my business?" Donald questioned coldly.

Stephan widened his eyes; he didn't expect Donald to get straight to the point.

He quickly regained his composure, looking Donald in the eyes with the same intensity.

"What makes you say that?" Stephan asked, not confirming or denying the claim.

Donald faced forward, taking a bite out of his chocolate, appearing like he wasn't taking this conversation seriously.

"To start, you arrived at this exact location that would only be spread throughout the Shuttle Patch, meaning you must have frequented the website often." Donald began.

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