I. " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙖 "

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There was calm in the ocean. No sound was heard, apart from the one of the whales.
The whales were calm, they were bigger than a palace itself. Many people love them and their "laments".
There were also fishes, those were from the most neutral colors to the most colourful ones. There were big fishes, and small fishes; the giant ones sometimes ate the smaller ones, but in general they lived peacefully together, in the absolute blue Deep of the Sea.
In there, there weren't only fishes and whales, other animals lived in the Ocean too. For example, the gorgeous seahorses, the beautiful but letal starfishes, the scary but amazing sharks and much more. Well, we can't say that the Endless Sea lacked of living creatures. There was of course vegetation, too. That passed from corals of the most wonderful shades, to the green and not algae. And, even if not living, there were rocks too. But they were so pretty that no one cared if they weren't alive.
The Endless Sea was, and still is, a fantastic place where anyone would dream to live in. It was immense, with its natural awesome colors that went from the most dark shades of blue to the lighter shades of green.

This place was once the habitat of the Great Serpent Wojira, also called the Sea Serpent of the Wave and the Storm, as she commanded those two elements. Wojira, in fact, had on her great head two Amulets, the Sea one was blue, the Storm one was purple.
When she attacked everyone that lived in the Sea, aswell to those who lived in the Surface, that at the time was only an Island, all of them tried to stop her, working together. Unfortunately, she was too powerful, no one could defeat her. But then, a young woman named Delja, when she was just 22 years old, the first Elemental Master Of Water, found out Wojira had two amulets, and if those were taken away from her, she would've been finally stopped. But the Sea Serpent was too much even for the girl, until Delja decided to sacrifice herself in order to save everyone. She merged with her element, the whole Sea, and in that form the woman succeeded at removing the two gems from the body of the Beast. Since then, Wojira collapsed in a deep sleep, from where no one could awake her from, or maybe not. Anyways, she would've been re-awakened if someone will return her those amulets.
The two dangerous objects were decided to be in the custody of the Sea's inhabitants, as for the Wave Amulet, and of the Islanders, as for the Storm Amulet.
The story of Delja was handed down to thousands of generations, in the Sea aswell as on the Surface. Everyone loves her, and they are so grateful she sacrificed herself to save others.
The only problem of merging with the Great Ocean, was that with time passing by, Delja was destined to forget everything about her previous life on the Surface, even defeating Wojira.
For the woman, it wasn't a problem, because she absolutely loved her new life as one with the Water. But still, someone decided that for her, at sometime of her life, it was time of finding out who she was.

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08:45, Endless Sea

Calm. Absolute calm.

And then, a Storm appeared in the sky above the Sea.

It was normal that those natural phenomena appeared, but they were still dangerous and really, really scary. Especially for sailors, since they always feared that they could die in the enraged Ocean.
The Lightning, in fact, was furious, like the Thunder, and they let off their rage on two poor men and one poor woman, who, unfortunately, found themself in the heart of the Disaster.
They were so scared, especially of dying, their heartbeat could've been heard from miles.
A woman started running in the whole boat, panicked in. One of the men yelled her to stop and to remain calm, saying that everything would've been okay, even if he wasn't so sure that they'd make it.
With the little ship continuous rocking, at first on the right, then on the left and viceversa, the younger man fell of the boat, screaming for help as he lands in the water. He holds his breath, and starts trying to swim to reach the surface, hoping to be safe.
"WE NEED TO SAVE HIM, JULIE!" The man screams to his mate, and she immediately take the torch from the cabinet and points it on the Sea, searching for their friend.
"I CAN'T SEE HIM, LUKE! HE'S PROBABLY IN THE DEPTH OF THE WATER!" Julie yells, panicking, scared for her friend's life.
They keeps on searching, but with no apparent results.
The poor guy was starting to give up, knowing that he'll die anyways, alone.

Luckily for him, he wasn't alone.

When the sailors on the boat start to give up aswell, they see a blue light coming from the Ocean. They go in the back of the ship, not knowing what it is.
Suddenly, a giant light blue Water Dragon emerges from the Sea, with the poor man in her mouth, hold by his left leg. She saved the sailor.

"oh..my god...is that..." Julie starts, disbeliever of what she's seeing.
Luke answer was pure of confusion, as he was in the same mental status as his friend, "i think that is...delja..?"; not sure if what he's just said is right or not.
The Water Dragon lies the body of the scared guy on the boat's floor, near his teammates. They watch as the Dragon slightly lowers in the Water, watching aswell the three sailors, amazed by their sight.
"Hello." The Dragon says to the people that are currently watching her with wide eyes. She "smiles" at them, implying that she won't hurt anyone.
"Hi...thank you for saving me.." The man that almost drowned thanks her, watching his mates, then going back watching her.
"Your welcome." The dragon answers as she nods, her voice merged with Water.
"are you by any chance...Delja?" Julie asks, not so sure if that is actually the woman that defeated Wojira, time ago.
"Yes, my name is Delja. I think." Delja says, not truly knowing if that is her real name, but this is what her so-called mother and her citizens call her.
"Well, thank you for saving our friend, and also for saving our ancestors from Wojira." Luke says, thanking her, not only for saving their friend, but for saving "them" from the Ancient Sea Serpent, too.
Delja looks at them, a bit confused, not really remembering how she defeated the Beast, and if she did it. So she just nods, still grateful that they thanked her.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Delja! Goodbye!" The three tell in unison, greeting the Dragon and going back to their trip in the Ocean.

Delja is now alone, but deep down she knows that she isn't, as she has all the fishes, starfish, inhabitants of the Sea and the Ocean itself with her. So, she decides to swim away, going back in the Deep.

After 30 minutes of wandering around, she transforms back to her "human" form, even if she's not human anymore.
Delja is a beautiful young woman, she is all blue and it's various shades-tinted, from dark blue to the lightest light blue. She wears a gorgeous dress, with shorts sleeves princess-style, and with a Dragon and a Wave on her upper dress' part. The skirt is long, going down to her knees. She doesn't wear shoes, she likes going anywhere at bare feet. Her hair are in a tiny ponytail, but also left loose. Delja wears a small white and yellow flower in her hair, and a "crown" with a Wave. The girl also has two necklaces, one with a little Wave and the other one with all same-styled shells. She also wears a pair of pearl-white gloves on her hand, that were long to her elbows.

Delja loves to explore in the various places of the Great Ocean, she just adores everything about it. Maybe this is why she was destined to be the Elemental Master of Water, and later to merge with the Sea. She is connected with the Endless Sea, and It is connected with Delja: they live in peace with eachother.

The young woman was swimming in the mixed ocean's currents, when a feeling came to her mind. That feeling was one that she has already experienced, but she doesn't know anything about it.
It was the feeling of remembering something.
She often tried to remember even small things about her previous life, as a human living on the Island. But everytime she didn't get her answers.
This time, the strange feeling was about her friend, Wojira.
Yes, the Great Sea Serpent that she once defeated, is now her best friend.

Delja, like twenty years ago, found the two Amulets of the Wave and the Storm; the first was in the city of the Deep Sea, the second was on the Island that she visited for "political" reasons, that was just some islanders that wanted to meet her. Delja asked the Sea inhabitants and the Islanders if she could take the two gems, promising that she would've kept Wojira under her control. Both the parts agreed, trusting the woman, and when she went back in the Depth she re-awakened the Sea Serpent, keeping her promise to let her under her control. And it was like that: Wojira, in fact, is currently in a calm status, and of course, she won't attack anyone anymore, as Delja and the people thought, but will it really be like that

"Who knows if I really did defeated Wojira, long ago." This was Delja's last thought, before she entered the Great Serpent's Temple.

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